Learning about Spring in Nursery

As part of our seasons topic which is running throughout the year the children have started learning about Spring. The have shared what they are learning in our Big Books which can be viewed anytime you visit the nursery.

The children have been learning that the mornings are lighter now as the clocks changed at the weekend and we got less time in bed.  Some of them said they wake up early because the sun shines in their window now.

Today we shared what we knew about growing plants and we have set up an experiment to see how the flowers drink the water up through the stem into their leaves and flower parts.  We had to colour the water so we can see this happening.

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We also played a game on the C-Touch where we watered the plant and gave it some light to grow and when the flower had no water or light it didn’t grow.

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Recycled bird feeders in the Nursery (Enterprise Topic – Waste Awareness week)

As part of our Enterprise topic and Waste Awareness week the nursery children have had a homework challenge.  They are making a bird feeder from recycled objects.  This week we discussed appropriate objects that we could use to make bird feeders and the children decided that boxes would be no use as they would get ruined in the rain.  They decided cartons and plastic boxes would be better.

They also agreed that these recycled objects should be cleaned before making the bird feeders because the birds could end up ill if they were not cleaned and also we could end up with germs on our fingers.

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Here are some of our bird feeders so far.  Fabulous effort from the children.  Well done!!

I will continue to add pictures of the bird feeders as they are handed in. Thank you! What an amazing effort from all the children and their families!!!

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We put our bird feeders out in the school and nursery playground for the birds to enjoy.





Nursery Maths Assembly

The nursery children did fantastic at their maths assembly.  This year the school’s focus has been Maths.  Everyday in the nursery we play maths games and take part in lots of indoors and outdoors activities with a variety of different resources.

The maths assembly displayed just some of the things the children have been learning.

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