P3/4 Science

This week primary 3 and 4 have been very busy in Science. Primary 3 continued their learning about magnetism by investigating magnet strength. The children used three different types of magnet (ring, horseshoe and bar) to explore which magnet could hold the most paperclips. The children found the bar magnet to be the strongest. Primary 4 have been learning about electricity and this week they were exploring how to create basic circuits, using wires, bulbs and batteries.

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P4/5 Creating a Reading Culture

We have decided as a class to visit the school library as a class at least once every week and spend time there reading, discussing books with the teacher and peers and reading a range of books including fiction.  Our first visit was Tuesday and a great success as the children all enjoyed it.  Some of the children were supported to choose books and learn how to use the library effectively.  All of the children enjoyed having time out of the classroom environment to read in silence and comfort.  We are all looking forward to our next visit.

In class some of the children choose to read a book after finishing their work in all areas of the curriculum and I have noticed more children joining them.  They continue to update their Reading Passports and we have had opportunities to discuss some of them.

Some of our reading groups in the classroom have also been able to choose their group novels.

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P4/5/6 Problem Solving in PE

This week the children in P4/5 and P6 had the opportunity to work together in PE.  They had fun playing some games together and then they were given the challenge of creating their own game with rules.  They were put into groups and had to co-operate to decide what kind of game they wanted to create.  What skills they would be developing and the rules they must play by. We also discuss the importance of teamwork throughout the process, keeping the rules of the game simple and making it fun.

The games were all amazing and so different and they enjoyed showing the other teams their game.  hopefully over the next few weeks we will be able to play some of these games as a class.

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