P4/5 Marking and Dodging

The children in primary 4/5 were developing balance and control in our dodging and movement skills.  They did this through various partner and group work activities.

S6000314  S6000316 S6000318 S6000319 S6000320 S6000321  S6000324 S6000326 S6000327 S6000328 S6000329


“It was really good as we had to concentrate hard to dodge your partner.” Ryan

“I liked the activities that developed fine and gross motor skills and Octopus Tig because we got to dodge our everyone to get to the other end.” Charley

“I liked when we were doing the ‘Catching Tails’ game where we had to get our partners tail. I also liked the ‘Cat and Mouse Chase’ game.” Emma

“I liked the ‘Cat and Mouse Chase’ game because I was running so fast and I tried to trick my partner.” Julia