Citizens of the week for 8th – 12th October 2018

Citizens of the week for 8th – 12th October 2018 are as follows –

Nursery – Kaylah Shearer for being kind and caring to her friends

Primary 1 – Blair Kennedy for working hard on his literacy and maths work this week

Primary 2/3 – Nikolay Markov for excellent spelling in phonics work

Primary 3/4 – Abbie Cassells for perseverance in maths

Primary 4/5 – Paige Walker for showing a mature and sensible attitude to her work

Primary 5/6 – Whole Class for an excellent assembly

Primary 7 – Rhiannan Meikle-Stormonth for being a responsible citizen


P3/4 Popcorn Writing

The children were exploring their senses through writing about popcorn. 3 secret pupils went off with Mrs Scott to make popcorn in the microwave that they brought back to the class. This helped us think about how the popcorn was smelling, the touch, how it sounded, looked, and we used our imagination to think of the taste. The writing was fantastic!!


Mrs Alexander very kindly offered to take the class out to the fire to make popcorn over the fire and allow everyone to taste some.

Stacey- “It was so much fun”

Zak- “it tasted great”

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P3/4 Nocturnal Animals

We have been very busy this week looking at our Nocturnal Animals topic. The children were given the task to present a 1-2 minute presentation on an area of Nocturnal Animals that they found most interesting. We had lots of good information shared and our audience showed super listening. Alongside our presentations we have been making ‘Leafy Hedgehogs’ we collected leaves and sticks to try and create our own hedgehogs.


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Hedgehog Art:

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