P3/4 Massage

Mrs Alexander visited our class to show us how to do ‘Massage in School’ with a partner. It was a very chilled half hour and we are looking forward to doing this regularly in class. Thank you for showing us how to do it!

“I feel so relaxed” Lucas M

“I was nearly sleeping” Zak

“I really enjoyed that and cant wait to do more” Catherine

P3/4 Remembrance

Primary 3/4 showed great compassion and maturity today after a discussion about World War 1 and the significance of the War ending 100 years ago. The children were very inquisitive about the significance of the poppy. We decided to make our own poppy display in the classroom as a way of remembering the soldiers.

Together we read a poem, the children asked if they would be able to show their respect by having a minute silence afterwards.

“I really enjoyed this afternoon” Caleb

“I think it is important to show respect to the people who died” Aden

“We will remember them and respect with wearing a poppy” Nathan

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P2/3 Making Magnet Games

The children have been learning about magnets and magnetic materials and today they had support to design and create games with magnets for their friends to play.  They had to agree rules for their games and how you win.

“I liked Jayden and Callum’s games because it was really fun to play.” Nikolay

“I liked the game that Ben and Thomas’s group made because it looked exciting.” Lillie H

“I liked making our game because we had to make it fun and work in teamwork.” Lily D

“I liked how I won the game.” Ben

“I liked it because everyone was helping and having fun.” Hollie

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