Citizen of the week for 17th – 21st December 2018

Citizens of the week for 17th – 21st December 2018 are as follows –

Nursery – Ruby Thomas for being a very kind friend

Primary 1 – Jareth Kerr  for great listening and working hard

Primary 2/3 – Melissa Murray for excellent effort and behaviour always

Primary 3/4 – Abbie Cassells for always trying hard in maths

Primary 4/5 – Sophie Douglas for always being well behaved and kind

Primary 5/6 – Ruaridh McNiven, Colin Jefferson and Ellie-May Jarvis for being very helpful

Primary 7- Marcus Gormley for working hard


Primary 1 Enterprise

As part of their enterprise Primary 1 asked everybody in the school if they could post their Christmas cards in the post box outside Primary 1 so they could sort and deliver them.  Every day they would empty the postbox, sort the cards into classes, then dress up as post people and go to each class to deliver the post. The children had a great time doing this.

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P5/6 Orangutan Appeal

Primary 5/6 are over the moon to receive a reply to their letter to the orangutan charity Orangutan Appeal UK.

They wrote persuasive reports and were so inspired, that they wanted to send them to the charity. The class also want to do an enterprise project to raise money for the charity in 2019.

The charity replied with a personal letter and photographs. We are all so happy to be supporting this cause.

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