P2/3 Science – The Water Cycle

Over the last couple of weeks the children in primary 2/3 have been learning about water and the Water Cycle.

“I have learned that evaporation means when the water from sea or rivers rise up to the sky to make clouds which is condensation.” Nikolay

“The water rises because the sun heats up and it gets warmer and dries up the water in puddles which is evaporation and it floats up and turns into clouds, which is called condensation.” Martin

“We’ve been doing experiments doing water.  We done one with the kettle and saw steam rising up, which is a gas and it made the mirror wet which we call condensation.” Callum

“Ice is solid water and when it gets warm it turns into water which is a liquid.” Lillie H

“Precipitation is rain.” Caydence

“The warm dries the water in the clothes when they are hanging out which is evaporating.” Lily D

“A hairdryer dries the water our hair which is called evaporation.” Rebekah

“When the water is inside the car window we call it condensation.” Thomas

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