P7 Health Week – healthy bodies and healthy minds

Today in class P7 were looking at physical and mental health. Children talked about what these meant then in groups drew around 1 person. They then labelled on the outside of the figure how they can keep their bodies healthy (exercise, eat healthy, drink water and don’t take drugs were some of the examples). On the inside of the figure they noted how they can keep their minds healthy (some of the examples were colouring in, using relaxation techniques, being kind to others, going outdoors, cuddling a pet, taking 10 minutes to yourself). They found many were relevant to both categories eg getting enough sleep and spending time with friends and family.

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P3/4 Learning about the Water Cycle

We have been learning about the water cycle and as part of our assessment the children created their own water cycle in groups.

“The water cycle was really fun to build, mainly messy and I think we done a lot of teamwork to make it work.” Aden

“I liked the water cycle because it was so cool when my team worked together to build and decorate it.” Lucas M

“It was very interesting as we were able to find out how water evaporates and makes clouds which is condensation then the wind blows the cloud and then the water drops get too heavy and burst and rain which is called precipitation. When we were building our water cycle it was a very good team exercise.” Ben

“I liked the water cycle because it was really interesting how it works in a cycle.” Jack

“I learned the water cycle because its awesome to build with my team.” Damien

“I liked to learn about the water cycle because it was interesting and fun to learn the big words and what they mean.” Grace

“It was hard to build the water cycle and we got along and worked together to get it done.” Nathan

“I liked the water cycle because the team fought and then stopped fighting and then we got on to make a really good water cycle and it was fun because their was tonnes of arts and crafts.” Caleb

“I really enjoyed the water cycle because it was fun and I got to learn more about rain, water and clouds.” Catherine

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Primary 2 and 3 Health Week Circuits

Both Primary 2 and 3 have had a fun morning of exercise. We began the day with a daily mile where the children could choose to run or walk this. After a quick drink we came inside and began a circuits workout with various stations. The children had a great morning and all participated well!

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