P4/5 John Muir Award (4)

Today we visited John Mann Park to continue our outdoor learning. First of all we worked in groups to carry out a tree survey. The survey was created by OPAL to survey tree health and we will be sending our data to them to add to their findings. We had to measure the circumference of the tree trunk and estimate the height of the tree. We looked at the colour and size of the leaves,  any insects that were on it and noted if there was any fungi or damage to it. The children then worked in pairs to practise our compass points that we have been learning about in maths. They used North, South, East and West and other commands to help guide their partners from one cone to another. After that the children completed some bark rubbings on the tree using crayons and collected some leaves for using in art next week. To end the trip the boys and girls were then given a chance to play at the park and some even chose to carry out litter picking during their free time!


Tree Surveys:

DSCF6215 DSCF6213DSCF6210 DSCF6209DSCF6208 DSCF6204DSCF6203Giving Directions Using Compass Points:

DSCF6220DSCF6219 DSCF6218Bark Rubbings

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