
P4/5 are settling in well and have been working hard. In Numeracy we have been enjoying using lots of concrete materials and have been reading, writing and verbalising numbers.

We have started our book study on Street Child, involving a Victorian boy called Jim. We have been using the Active Literacy strategies to analyse the text and show our understanding. Our topic is also on the Victorians and this has led to learning in other curricular areas such as researching about Queen Victoria during ICT and even writing our own fact files on her.

We are looking forward to seeing what else Term 1 has in store!


Our floral art display

Our summer holiday writing display

Our summer holiday writing display

P6/7 Update

Primary 6/7 have settled back into school well and are all working really hard. We have started reading our class novel ‘Divided City’ and the children are enjoying the story so far. We have learned lots about Glasgow and the prejudice and sectarianism that can stem from religion and football. We are looking forward to reading on further and finding out what happens.

Some of our primary 6 children have been going swimming on Mondays and have been enjoying their lessons so far! The rest of the class have been using the Emotion Works cogs to think about their feelings towards a new year at school (and for the P7 pupils their last year at primary). Today the class worked with P1 to help them log onto the computer and create pictures on colour magic, they were great teachers!


Primary 5/6 Natural Disasters

Primary 5/6 have been learning a bit about Natural disasters. We made a mind map of all the different types of natural disasters we know and are going to use this for a research project!

We also created a grid that tells us what we already know and what we want to find out. Miss Reid was so surprised at how much Primary 5/6 already knew about natural disasters!


Numicon Information Leaflets

We have added Numicon Information Leaflets for Parents to our website, to help you to understand more about this multisensory resource which is used throughout the school and nursery.

These can be found under the ‘Parent Information’ menu. There are links to leaflets for Early, First and Second level, which spans Nursery to P7.



Best Start Grant – School Age Payment

Best Start Grant –  School Age Payment is now open for applications.  The payment will provide families in Scotland, who are on a low income, with £250 to help with the costs of a child starting school.   People can apply around the time a child normally starts Primary 1 and if they get certain benefits or tax credits.  For this year, that means if their child is born on or between 1 March 2014 to 28 Feb 2015.  Applications can be made from 3 June 2019 until 29 February 2020 either online at www.mygov.scot/best-start-grant or by contacting our Freephone helpline on 0800 182 2222.  The helpline is open Monday to Friday from 8am to 6pm.


Please see the Factsheet below for more information.  All Further information can be found at https://www.mygov.scot/best-start-grant/
