Citizens of the week for 23rd-26th September 2019

Citizens of the week for 23rd-26th September are as follows –

Nursery – Junior Murtagh for working hard on his self help skills

Primary 1 – Eva Morrison for very good effort in her Literacy and Numeracy work

Primary 2 – Maya Carmichael for always working hard, being kind and helping others with their learning

Primary 3/4 – Jay Forster for trying extremely hard in maths all week

Primary 4/5 – Ben Forster for showing an excellent attitude during YOGA, doing a range of postures

Primary 5/6 – Amy Hamilton for excellent effort in her Numeracy work

Primary 6/7 – Ethan Thomson and Ellie-May Jarvis for super work in Talk for Writing, producing a great innovation piece


Woman Kind Visit

Yesterday p5-7 had a special visitor from Woman Kind who came to work on a project with the children. Woman Kind are organising a joke book to be given out as Christmas presents to children who are in hospital over the holidays to help cheer them up. The children spent time designing funny characters and telling their best jokes yesterday to be added to the book.

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Primary 6 Biggar Science Festival

On Friday, Primary 6 went to Biggar Science Festival. We had great fun exploring different science based activities and got to hold some cool creatures! Some children even overcame their fears of snakes and creepy crawlies!

The science show we went to see at the Corn Exchange was amazing! We couldn’t believe some of things that can be done through science, it looked like magic!

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Citizens of the week for 16th-20th September 2019

Citizens of the week for 16th-23rd September are as follows –

Nursery – Darach Gauld for developing his concentration and focus during activities

Primary 1 – Skye Hamilton for listening really well and working hard

Primary 2 – Aaron Knox-Welsh for always listening and always working hard

Primary 3/4 – Hollie Newlands for fantastic teamwork and support of her peers

Primary 4/5 – Johan Jensen for a great innovation for Talk 4 Writing

Primary 5/6 – Jack Gorman for excellent effort and super ideas in writing

Primary 6/7 – Taylor Coupar for being a successful learner and focussing well in class
