Participatory Budget – Results

Many thanks to all of the pupils and parents who gave ideas for how to spend a portion of our Pupil Equity Fund on.   The three priorities they decided were –

-To provide after-school clubs with specialist coaches/teachers with no cost involved for the children

-To subsidise school trips to ensure all children can access them

-To increase the number of sporting events available to the children

Every child, parent and member of staff was given a vote and the results were as follows –

The children voted – ‘To subsidise school trips to ensure all children can access them‘ as their top choice.

The parents and staff voted – ‘-To provide after-school clubs with specialist coaches/teachers with no cost involved for the children‘ as their top choice.

Therefore, we will spend the money on both of those choices. 

Many thanks to all of the parents who returned their voting slips – these were entered into a prize draw to win a shopping voucher.  The winner of the voucher was –

Sophia McFarlane! Well done.

Thank you to all of the pupils, parents and staff who were involved in the decision making and voting process.