P4/5 + P5/6 Health and Wellbeing – Food Miles

P4/5 and P5/6 had fun making smoothies! They used the packaging to find out where the fruits were from and then calculated the ‘food miles’ they had travelled. They then investigated which fruits had travelled furthest and the effects on the economy and environment. The children were also encouraged to try a new fruit or a fruit they hadn’t previously liked. Well done to those who were brave!


Labelling on the map where 4 different kinds of apples are from.

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P4/5 Emotion Works

Today P4/5 read the book “The Huge Bag of Worries” and then used Emotion Works to discuss what causes worry, body sensations and emotions around worry, how we might behave when we worry, how intense the feeling is and most importantly, strategies we can use to make us feel better.
