Primary 1/2 (2017-18)

Term 4 (April to June)

Literacy and English

P1 – This term we will continue to learn our new sounds such as ch, sh, th, ng, ph, ee, oo, ai and oa.  We will be looking to find these sounds in words and begin to write simple sentences using our phoneme words and spell these correctly.

P2 – This term we will be learning our new sounds such as i-e, o-e, a-e, u-e, e-e.  We will continue to work in partners and look for phoneme words within text.  We will continue to practice writing our common words too.

In reading we will be doing lots of fun activities related to reading like making connections with the story and sequencing it using a beginning, middle and end.  In writing this term the P2’s will be focussing on using a variety of wow words including different sentence openers such as then, next, after and finally.  P1’s continue to focus on sentence structure using full stops and capital letters.

Numeracy and Mathematics

In P1 this term we will be starting to use our subtraction skills and looking at vocabulary related to this such as ‘take away’ and ‘how many now?’  We will also be using money and using coins to pay for things.  We will learn all the coins to £2 and find totals to 20p by asking 1p and 2p more or less.

In P2 this term we will be practicing some subtraction skills to 20 and also working with money.  We will be calculating totals up to £1 and selecting the correct coins to make these totals.  We will be dong lots of fun practical tasks with money and also answering lots of word problems such as ‘if an apple was 17p what coins could I use to pay for this?’

Health and Wellbeing – In P.E. this term we will be focussing on athletics.  We will be throwing the javelin, quoits and bean bags as far as we can and also measuring how far we can jump.  We also will be practicing running races in preparation for Sports Day.

French – In French we will be learning how to ask simple questions such as ‘what is your name’, how are you?’ and ‘how old are you?’.  We will also revise the days of the week.

R.M.E. – This term we will explore the Story of Buddha and look at Buddhist thoughts and believes including meditation.

Term 3 (January to March)

Literacy and English

P1 – This term we will continue to learn our new sounds such as h, w, j, v, y, z, qu, x, sh, th, ch, ng.  When we get to phonemes that have two letters to make the one sound, we will be learning one sound a week.  We will be looking to find these sounds in words and begin to write simple sentences using our phoneme words e.g. The cat is on the mat.

P2 – This term we will be learning our new sounds such as ow, ou, y, igh, i-e, o-e, a-e, u-e, e-e.  We will continue to work in partners and will also be helping each other by peer assessing if we have written the words correctly.

We all will continue to enjoy our reading books and do lots of fun comprehension tasks such as Find It, Prove It, Talk About It and discussing the characters feelings within the stories.  We will also be reading some Katie Morag stories as part of our Scotland topic.

Numeracy and Mathematics – This term P1’s will focus on the introduction of addition and how to add two numbers together successfully. We will be doing lots of hands on practical activities to help learn this new concept.  We will also be learning the time to ‘o’ clock and learning about halves and quarters in our fraction work.  P2’s will also be doing some addition work to 20 and reinforcing their skills of adding to 10 also.  They will be learning to tell the time using half past and ‘o’clock and also doing some fun practical fraction work.

Health and Wellbeing – In P.E. we will be learning all about fitness and how to keep ourselves healthy.  We will be doing some fun circuit training activities and learning what exercise does to our bodies.  This term we are going to be looking at some Scottish food as part of our Scotland topic and also examining where our food comes from.

Expressive Arts – We are looking forward to doing some Scottish dancing as we prepare for our Scottish assembly and learning some traditional Scottish songs.  We will also be making lots of art work through our topic also.

French – This term our focus is learning the numbers 11-20 and also learning how to say the days of the week and when our birthday is.

Social Studies – This term our topic is Katie Morag and all things Scottish.  We will be reading lots of her stories and finding out what it is like to live on an island in Scotland.

R.M.E. – In R.M.E. we are learning about Special Places and what they mean to everyone.  We will be looking at special features of churches, synagogues and mosques and doing some fun craft work to do with these.  Another area we will look at is the Story of Moses and in particular the Ten Commandments.


Term 2  (October to December)

Literacy and English – This term P1 will be working hard on their phonics and learning new sounds such as r, m, d, e, c, k.  When we are learning our new sounds we like to sing the song and do the action that goes with it.  We will also be practising how to write the letters correctly.  We will continue to learn three new spelling words a week also.  This term is fun as we will get to know all the characters from our reading books and practise sounding out easy words such as pin, sat and ran.  P2’s will be learning new sounds such as ue, aw and oi.  To help us learn we get to work in partners and one person reads a word and the other has to try and write it correctly.   We will also be learning new spelling words and using strategies such as speed writing to help us.  In reading this term we will be focussing on the comprehension in our books and understanding what is happening in the story.

Numeracy and Mathematics – This term P1’s focus is on working with the Numbers to 10.  We will also be looking at 2D shapes especially a hexagon and pentagon.  P2’s focus is on Numbers up to 100 and working with them.  We will also explore the different properties of 3D shapes looking at the different number of faces, corners and edges.  Nearer the end of term we will be looking at building different kinds of graphs and how to collate and record information in different ways.

Health and Wellbeing – This term in P.E. we will be doing some fun ball skills with Miss Smith and also some dance with Mrs Coubrough.  Our wellbeing topic this term is about being Healthy so we will be learning all about good hand hygiene.  We will also learn how to brush our teeth properly and how to look after them.

Expressive Arts – This term we will be doing lots of fun art work to do with our topic Houses and Homes.  In music and drama our main focus will be our nativity where we need to practise all our songs and act out our parts.  I’m sure it will be a great performance.

French – Bonjour.  We are going to learn lots of different ways to say hello and learn to ask someone ‘what their name is’ and ‘how they are feeling?’.  This is hard work but we enjoy putting on our French accents.

Social Studies – This term our topic is Houses and Homes.  We will be building models of houses and exploring different houses and what they look like.  This is a good topic to do lots of art and craft activities.

R.M.E. – This term is a busy term and we have lots of different religious festivals or important days to learn about.  We will be firstly looking at Diwali and reading the story of Rama and Sita.  Next we are going to be learning a little about Remembrance Day and why we wear poppies.  Lastly we will be doing lots to learn about Christmas and the story of how baby Jesus was born.


Term 1 (August – October)


Literacy and English – This term P1 will learn six new sounds (a,t,s,i,p,n) and 9 new spelling words (a,at,the,I,it,in,is,an,and). P2 will practise some of their sounds from last year before learning lots of new spelling words which have the ‘ay’, ‘ea’ and ‘ow’ sound in them. Both P1 and P2 will have lots of opportunities for daily writing. P1 will focus on practising letter formation and P2 will work on capital letters, full stops, connectives and adjectives. Reading skills such as predicting, inferring, summarizing and paraphrasing will be taught during both shared and personal reading activities.

Numeracy and Mathematics – This term P1 will focus on Numbers to 10. Primary 2 will begin with work relating to Numbers to 20 and Subtraction to 10 before focusing on Numbers to 100. Both P1 and P2 will participate in lots of Mental Maths activities and there will be lots of opportunities for Numicon activities too!

Health and Wellbeing – In Physical Education we will be focusing on ball skills and general fitness. For ball skills we will be looking at different ways to move with a ball, pass a ball and catch the ball. In fitness, we will have the opportunity to build up our stamina by participating in ‘The Daily Mile’ as well as playing fun, fitness games. For our Health and Wellbeing lessons, we are currently learning about Road Safety as well as taking part in lots of ‘Circle Time’ activities to develop our social skills.

Expressive Arts – In Art we will focus on line drawing and colour by drawing and colouring Lighthouses and designing our Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch Baskets. We will learn about pitch – high and low, loud and soft using ABC Music. In Drama and Dance, we are looking at The Seaside, Harvest and Autumn using the BBC Let’s Move Drama programme.

Social Studies – Our topic this term is The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch. This will mainly focus on Literacy, Drama, Art and Social Studies. We will be looking at Lighthouses and discussing what they are used for. We will have the opportunity for role play and daily writing in our Seaside Café as well as doing lots of fun art and craft activities.

French – When learning about French this term we will concentrate on numbers to 10/20, colours, simple greetings and the weather – so we can complete our daily weather chart in French along with our morning routine.

Science – During this term, we will be learning about different Materials.

Technologies – This term, we will be looking at ICT technologies and familiarizing ourselves with the computer keyboard and mouse. We will use the electronic paint programme, Colourmagic, to enhance our mouse control skills. We will also be creating a 3D Basket for our Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch topic which will develop our paper technology skills.

Religious and Moral Education – This term, we are looking at Ramadan and Harvest for RME.

We are going to have a very busy term!