Primary 4/5 (2017-18)

Term 4 – April 2018 – June 2018

Literacy and English – This term the children will be following our new reading programme. We are continuing to work on the following strategies – Prior Knowledge, Identifying Main Themes, Visualising, Summarising, Inferencing and Metalinguistics. For writing, we will be using the Oxford Reading Tree Big Writing Adventures where we will be learning how to write a report, a character profile, two contrasting setting descriptions, a diary entry and an adventure story.  As part of the John Muir Award the children will also learn to write different types of poetry related to the outdoors. For talking and listening, we will be practicing our skills by preparing and presenting a personal talk on their John Muir Award experience.

Mrs McLeod-Kerr will teach the Primary 5 children German this term and the whole class will continue to learn French.

Numeracy and Mathematics – This term the children will finish Multiplication and Division.  They will also learn Fractions, Time, Money (incl. Finance) and Measure. The children will also be expected to apply their knowledge in problem solving activities on a weekly basis.  We will continue our daily Mental Maths activities e.g. Number Talks, Problem Solving and Flashcards as well as other mental maths covering all areas of numeracy and maths.

Health and Well Being – This term we will be working on self esteem, food advertising and labelling, substance misuse and smoking and sex education. We will continue our Work it Wednesday activity and Fruity Friday (encouraging children to bring in a healthy snack). For P.E, we will be focusing on dance and tennis.

Other Learning

We have begun our John Muir Award topic where we will be outdoors every Wednesday afternoon, either at the forest or in the school grounds and the children will be working towards their award.

The children this term will be building dens outdoors in the school grounds and at the forest, building a strong, tall tower with recycling materials and cooking and tasting a menu they create with foods from around the world.

In RME, we will be learning about Buddhism and the festival Vesak.

Primary five children will continue to receive music tuition form our music professional whilst primary four will learn music through our ABC Music programme.

In Art the children will learn how to pencil draw various objects related to their topic and of objects of their choice.

Please keep checking our P4/5 updates to see how much fun we are having learning in all areas of the curriculum.

Term 3 – January 2018 – March 2018

Literacy and English – This term the children will be working through their spelling at their own level.  In reading, the children will all be reading playscripts and developing their comprehension and presentation skills.  They will learn about the layout and structure of scripts and will learn to write scripts of their own and perform these to the class.  Some of the groups are learning new comprehension strategies  e.g. Metalinguistics, Visualisation, etc, using a class novel and their group reading books/novels.  These strategies are not entirely new to the children as they have learned similar strategies in the past.  The children have been asked to read their own personal books at home whilst they are learning these new strategies and complete their Book Passport they were given as part of the First Minister’s Reading Challenge.  The children will continue to develop new vocabulary, grammar and punctuation through writing activities and this term the focus in writing will be scripts and imaginative writing.

Numeracy and Mathematics – This term after we finish Subtraction the children will work on Multiplication and Division and in Maths they will learn more about Shape, Angles and Symmetry, as well as Data Handling and Measure.  The children will also be expected to apply their knowledge in problem solving activities on a weekly basis.  We will continue our daily Mental Maths activities e.g. Number Talks, Problem Solving and Flashcards as well as other mental maths covering all areas of numeracy and maths.

Health and Wellbeing – This term the children will be making and tasting food from around the world.  They will also learn about where food comes from and revise Food Hygiene.  We will be focusing on The Health and Well Being indicators: Active and Safe and the children will continue to work towards achieving their targets for Literacy and Maths and set new ones when these are achieved.  In PE, the children will be learning a highland dance at the beginning of term one as part of our Scottish topic and then will develop their athletics skills.

RME – The children will learn about The Story of Moses and The Easter Story and will enjoy a variety of activities.

Technologies – As per HWB update the children will be learning to make food from around the world.  The Primary Five children are being entered into a Knex competition and so will be busy this term designing and creating objects with the Knex.  Please see our updates on our class page on the website for details of the children’s progress.  The Primary Fours will be participating in similar activities (although not a competition) but with plastic straws and again please see the fun they are having weekly with this on the website.  In ICT, the children will be researching famous Scottish Inventors and creating factfiles online.

Expressive Arts – Primary 5 will start their Music programme with our Music specialist we invite into the school to develop their musical knowledge and skills.  the children will continue to learn in Art about famous artists from around the world and especially Scotland as part of our Scottish topic, e.g. they will complete pencil drawing of all things associated with Rabbie Burns.  They will learn how to create Steven Brown trees and create a design in the style of Steven Brown of a household object.  They will also learn to draw using ‘Learn to Draw’ guides which are available to the children in Golden Time, etc.  We have two girls in the class that attend Highland Dancing and have kindly taken on the task of teaching the rest of the class a highland dance for the Scottish assembly and this will be performed by all the children.

Interdisciplinary Topic – This term we will be researching and creating factfiles on famous Scottish Inventors.

Please keep checking our P4/5 updates to see how much fun we are having learning in all areas of the curriculum.


Term 2 – October 2017 – December 2017

Literacy and English – This term the children will be using their group reading book to develop and consolidate reading skills such as inferring, summarising, comparing and skimming.  They will also use these books to develop their understanding of vocabulary as well as develop grammar and punctuation.  They will develop their personal and functional writing across different areas of the curriculum, including their class topics.  In talking and listening lessons we will focus on finding and using information and reflecting on their own personal experiences.  They will again have an assessed solo talk and this time the topic will be your child’s choice.

Numeracy and Mathematics – This term we will work on addition, subtraction and money and finance.  Some of the groups will continue to develop place value understanding as well as revision of times tables.  We will learn about 2D and 3D shapes and data analysis and have fun with some outdoor maths.  We will also work on developing mental maths strategies and our real life problem solving skills with each area of maths.

Health and Wellbeing – We will be focusing on the Health and wellbeing indicator of ‘inclusion’.  We will have lots of discussions and activities around bullying on our Anti-bullying week and we will also learn about fire and fireworks safety and safety around electricity in the home. The children will also learn about food hygiene, germs and first aid.  The will review their personal targets set in term one and set new ones if required.  The children will continue to be encouraged to eat healthy including the most important meal of the day – their breakfast.  They should bring in a fruit or veg snack with them on a Friday and they will also take part in the Monday Mile.  In P.E. we will be continue to develop our netball skills and then move onto badminton for a short period before moving onto social dancing.  Unfortunately we were unable to visit the forest last term and so we will have two visits this term which have been advised.

Other curricular areas

Expressive Arts – In art we will be learning to draw step by step.  They will have fun learning about and respond to the work of the artists, Rizzi and Warhal.  In music, the children will teach the rest of the school a song with actions about inclusion. They will also learn Christmas songs for the assembly. The children will perform their Titanic play on 24th November and again to The Evergreens (date TBC). They will also participate in drama games and role plays focusing on developing self esteem and growth mindset.  In dance, the children will learn some social dances.

R.M.E. – The children will develop their understanding of Diwali and why it is important to Hindu people.

Technologies – In I.C.T. the children will develop their research skills. They will develop skills when using word documents for their personal project.  The children will make crafts for Christmas and will use recycled materials to make an object.

Interdisciplinary Learning – The Titanic topic will continue until the end of November and then the children will learn about social enterprising and we have invited The Evergreens into the school to watch a personal showing of our Titanic production and then the children will treat our guests to afternoon tea and other refreshments.

Please keep checking our P4/5 updates to see how much fun we are having learning in all areas of the curriculum.


Term 1 – August 2017 – October 2017

Literacy and English – This term we will be undertaking a book study. We are reading ‘The Diary of a Killer Cat’ by Anne Fine.  Reading skills such as predicting, skimming, connecting, inferring and summarising (orally) will be taught. They will use this book to revise and develop Literacy Circle knowledge and skills such as: finding key points and summarising (written and oral), vocabulary, developing and answering questions.  Grammar and punctuation will also be learned through using our book study.  The children will write imaginative stories and functional pieces of writing related to our book study.  In talking and listening lessons we will focus on body language, delivery and content. At the end of the term the children will prepare and present a personal talk about the Titanic to show evidence of these skills.

Numeracy and Mathematics – We will be working on place value, estimating and rounding and times tables. We will learn about patterns and relationships in terms of shapes and numbers. We will also work on developing mental maths strategies and our problem solving skills.

Health and Wellbeing – We will be focusing on the Health and Well Being indicators of ‘achieving’ and ‘healthy’.  We will continue to learn more about developing a growth mindset and staying positive and developing our resilience.  We will learn how to stay safe on the roads and around the railway as well as the importance of litter control in our community. At the beginning of this term the children set their maths and literacy targets, and will continue to work towards achieving these targets throughout the term, at school and at home.  They will have fun learning about staying healthy focusing on the importance of healthy snacks, packed lunches and eating breakfast every day.  In P.E. we will be taking part in team games such as rugby, netball and basketball.  We will also visit the forest this term and have a fun massage session – or a few!!

French – The children will continue to order their lunch daily in French.  The children update the French calendar and weather chart daily.  We will focus on greetings orally and written.

Other Curricular areas:

Expressive Arts – The focus this term is line, colour and pattern.  The children will learn about the famous artists: Charles Rennie MacKintosh, Kandinsky and Gustav and create designs inspired by their work.  They will complete self portraits with pencil and learn how to shade.  They will create artwork based on the Titanic and other curricular areas, developing a variety of skills.  In dance, the children will learn how to waltz and in music we will listen to music they may have played on the Titanic back in the early 20th Century.  We will learn songs for our Titanic assembly and create a piece of music with the musical instruments to express the mood on the Titanic when it crashed into the iceberg and sank.

R.M.E. – The children will develop their understanding of Ramadan and why it is important to Muslims.

Technologies – In I.C.T. the children will develop their research skills as they research facts for their Titanic topic. They will learn/ develop skills when using word documents for their personal project.  In food technology the children will make their own healthy snack and learn the journey food takes from the source to the consumer.

Interdisciplinary Learning – The Titanic topic’s main focus will be on Social Studies, Literacy and English and Technologies.

Please keep checking our P4/5 updates to see how much fun we are having learning in all areas of the curriculum.