Online Safety Information for Parents

It is important to have regular conversations about staying safe online and to encourage children to speak to you if they come across something worrying online.

Talk to your child about the importance of creating a safe online environment, including keeping any log-in details and passwords safe.

These resources will support you to talk to your child about a range of online safety issues, set up home filtering in a child-friendly way and set up age-appropriate parental controls on digital devices: – CEOP Website – This has a fantastic section for parents, including links to home activities.  It also shows some of the lessons and activities we do with children during our teaching of Online and Internet Safety.

Be Internet Legends – Parents Site – Be Internet Legends Site – Another super resource which we use in school with informative information for parents.​​​​​​​     – NSPCC Website has a very useful online safety section  – This Cyber First Aid Box is designed to support families recover from online harms.