Welcome to our class page where you can find out what we will be learning and important information.
Term 3 Learning
We enjoyed our Scottish Celebration Assembly, and loved performing ‘The Wee Rid Motor’ and ‘3 Craws’. Thank you to everyone who came along.
In January we will be learning Scottish language through stories, songs and fun games.
Our phonics and spelling programme will continue as normal. We learn a new joined phoneme and set of common words per week, with some revision/consolidation time to recap. The children learn strategies for reading and spelling the tricky words and practise these daily with a partner. For phonics, the children learn a phoneme story, then work with magnetic boards and elkonin boxes with a partner. On the 4th day, the children do paired dictation work.
Our reading programme will continue, with each group being introduced to 2 books per week, with 2 days reading for fluency and 2 days reading for comprehension. The children complete a variety of daily writing comprehension tasks over the week.
For writing, we will be learning a new Talk for Writing story called ‘Little Charlie’ which has Scottish theme. Over a number of weeks, we will learn this story through actions, story maps and games. We will work with P3/4 on a variety of activities, including drama and story cubes, to help the children embed the story and also give them ideas for creating their own story. The block will end with the children doing short burst daily writing, to create their own story.
Other writing this term will have a non-fiction focus related to our topic. We learn to write a recount, an explanation and some instructions.
Most of the class will be learning subtraction from 20. They will learn mental strategies through visuals and concrete materials. We will then be moving onto the concept of multiplication and division, by counting in sets an sharing equally.
The diamonds group will be learning place value of numbers to 1000, and subtraction to 100. They will then move on the learning the concept of multiplication, followwed by the 10, 5, 2 and 3 times tables. They will then use this to learn the concept of division, and how to divide by 10, 5, 2 and 3.
We are continuing to use the SULP programme, to learn social behavioursWe will be having a whole school focus for a week on internet safety and cyber bullying..
For P.E, Mrs Goodwin will be teaching gymnastics, and I will be teaching fitness.
Other Learning
For January, we will be learning about Scotland. We will learn about the places, traditions/culture and food. We will also be creating lots of Scottish themed art such as flags, thistles, sheep and also using weaving to create tartan!
Our main focus social studies topic this term will be ‘People Who Help Us’. The children will learn about the various types of jobs where the main role is to help others. We will be having lots of visitors for this topic. If you or anyone you know has a job like this, please come and tell us about it.
For RME, we will be focusing on values and learning about prayer across different religions..
For ICT, we will be learning how to use the internet and some of the main features of Microsoft Word.
Merry Christmas from P2!
Thank you to everyone who came along to our class assembly and massage in the class. It was lovely to have so many visitors with such a relaxed atmosphere.
Here are some photos of our assembly.
Term 2 Learning
Our phonics and spelling programme will continue with learning one sound and common words per week, with a revision week after a block. You can help your child by using the flashcards in their homework folder to practise previous words and sounds.
The children will continue to be introduced to 2 books per week, with 2 days reading for fluency and 2 days reading for comprehension. The children will learning how to answer comprehension questions in their jotter in proper sentences, as well as creating questions of their own.
For writing, we will be using the Talk for Writing programme. This means learning a story off by heart through actions and pictures, then changing it slightly to create our own class version. The children will then have the opportunity to innovate the story by creating their own. We hope to share this learning with you really soon.
We will begin addition to 20, by revising addition to 10. Each lesson begins with a number talk based on dot patterns and ten frames where the children learn to calculate quickly by grouping numbers. Mental maths will be done through flashcards and games. The children will be using lots of concrete materials such as Numicon, rods, cubes and a numeracy map to help them visualise addition before completing any written work.
We will then move onto subtraction using the same resources and similar process.
Our main focus for Health this term will be learning social skills through a programme called SULP. We will continue with the wellbeing indicators, emotion words and growth mindset. We will be having a whole school focus for a week on anti-bullying.
For P.E, Mrs Goodwin will be teaching creative dance, and I will be teaching yoga. We will also be learning social Scottish dances for our Christmas party.
Other Learning
Our main focus for expressive arts will be our nativity rehearsals. We will be learning lots of songs, dances and stage directions for our performance.
For RME, we will be focusing on the values of kindness and fairness, and learning about marriage.
For ICT, we will be learning how to log on to GLOW and how to use Easy Maths.
Our mini social studies topic for this term will be transport.
Term 1 Learning
*Class Assembly Fri 4th October at 1.45pm with a visit to the class afterwards for massage.*
Class Routines
Everyone has settled really well in our new class. Each day, we put our name up on one of the ‘Mr Men’ to show how we are feeling. We are enjoying reading a new ‘Mr Men’ story each day.
Homework is given out on a Monday (with a sticker in their diary) and should be completed by Friday. Every child has a homework bag where they can keep their home/school diary, reading book and important letters. There is a wallet with common word and phoneme flashcards which is updated weekly with new words and a new sound. Please continue to practise these as often as possible to help your child. Reading should be done daily to help with fluency and comprehension tasks in class.
Show and tell will be on a Friday is children wish to bring something special in to talk about.
We studied the Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch book in class, for part of our Literacy and Interdisciplinary Learning. We studied the language, setting and characters and enjoyed taking part in science, art and technology activities.
We are now working on our normal reading books, with daily writing tasks. Children will be given roughly 2 books per week to help them progress in both fluency and understanding.
We began revising our initial and joined phoneme sounds from P1, and are now onto stage 2 sounds. Children are introduced to a new joined phoneme, and will work collaboratively to read and spell words with that sound using a story, magnetic boards, elkonin boxes and dictation. They will also be introduced to a new set of common/tricky words each week, where they will use strategies to help them remember how to spell them, e.g word within a word.
For writing, the class have been learning how to use connectives and adjectives. They have been writing about The Lighthouse Keeper’s lunch, instructions for how to make a jam sandwich and describing their favourite Mr Man. They will also be creating their own Mr Man.
The class have loved learning some French greetings, instructions, days of the week and colours from Fifi the cat puppet.
The children have been introduced to numbers to 100. Using Numicon, numeracy map, rods, deens, coins and other concrete materials the children have been learning place value of numbers to 100. We are learning to name and order numbers, identify larger/smaller and counting on and back.
We will also be learning more than/less than and larger/smaller.
For mental maths, we will be learning to count in ones, tens, twos, threes and odd ad even numbers.
For number talks, we will be learning to calculate by grouping numbers on ten frame and dot patterns.
For Health, we are using Emotion Works to learn about our feelings and how to manage them. This will be the focus of our class assembly.
Other health work will include the well being indicators, creating a class charter of respect, massage and growth mindset.
For P.E we will be playing team games and learning ball skills.
Other learning
We have been taking part in lots of cross curricular learning through the Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch book study. We learned how a lighthouse works, made 3D lighthouses which we painted with the sea, made seagulls, drew lighthouses, and best of all we made jam sandwiches.
In ICT we are learning how to log on and log off. We are becoming familiar with the keyboard through the BBC dance mat typing programme.
In music, we are using ABC music to identify different types of music, beats and rhythms.
In RME, we are learning about respect and thankfulness through the harvest.