Our Learning 2017-18


Welcome to our Nursery Class page!

Term 4 April – June

Our Term 4 topic is ‘Creature Habitats’. The children are going to be learning about what a habitat is and the different kinds of habitats animals live in. We have lots of fun and exciting activities planned such as building our own habitats, writing stories about the animals we learn about, a mini-beast hunt and walks to some of the parks in our village. Be sure to look in our ‘Creature Habitats’ Big Book to see all of our hard work!


We will be given lots of opportunities to practise holding a pencil and writing different words e.g. in the Big Book, our mark making sheet in our folders and writing words for our display boards. We will be writing an invitation and stories about our favourite animals which will then put into our folders. We will continue predicting and summarising the stories we read and will continue to compare characters. We will help to change our word wall display to a rhyming wall display.

Numeracy and Mathematics

We will be learning about routines and events in our lives and link them with times and seasons. We will practise sequencing the days of the week and months of the year. We will explore different ways of recording and displaying time and events e.g. clocks and calendars. We will be gathering information and sorting items, and then looking at ways to organise and display our findings. We will continue working hard on number processes: counting, sequencing and identifying numbers.


This term we will be learning about electricity and exploring space.


We are hosting a technology event at the end of May. We will be using the iPads and cameras to take photographs of our learning environment. We will then print and frame our photographs, ready to create a display for our parents and carers and the children in P1-7 to come and see.


We will be learning the French vocabulary for the different fruits and vegetables we eat snack.


Term 3 January – March 

In January we will be learning about all thing Scottish! Some of our Scottish activities include learning and writing Scottish words such as ‘mauckit’, ‘scunnert’ and ‘greetin’, making our own tartan, thistles and Scottish flags, baking shortbread and trying some Scottish produce and learning about some famous Scots. We will be performing ‘The Broon Coo’ at our Scottish assembly. Following on from our Scotland topic, we will be looking at lots of traditional tales. Each week we will read and do activities based on different tales. Some traditional tales we have chosen are The Three Little Pigs, The Gingerbread Man, Jack and the Beanstalk and The Three Billy Goats Gruff. We will have our nursery assembly in March which will be based on the story, Chicken Lichen.


We will be learning Scots language and will practise writing the words we learn which will then be displayed on our word wall in the nursery. During our Traditional Tales topic we be writing an imaginative piece of writing. We will be inspired by all the traditional tales we read. We will continue predicting and summarizing the stories we read and will be learning how to compare characters. We will continue to mark make in Term 3, practising pencil grip and control and developing fine motor skills.

Numeracy and Mathematics

We will continue working hard on number processes, counting, sequencing and identifying numbers. We will be learning to use language to describe size of objects e.g heavy/light, shorter/longer and full/empty, and we will be learning about fractions, developing language of sharing and the purpose of sharing e.g. in baking, snack, taking turns and fairness.


In science, we will be exploring different materials. We will be sorting, naming and building with a range of different materials.


Linking in with Science, we will be learning about how products are packaged and what materials are used. This will then follow on to lots of discussion and activities around recycling.

Expressive Arts

We will do a range of art activities for our topics this term. We will be very busy practising for two assemblies, the Scottish assembly where we will be performing ‘The Broon Coo’ and our class assembly where we will be presenting Chicken Lichen.


We will recap all vocabulary learned in terms 2 and 3 with the addition of colours and numbers 1-5.

Term 2 October – December 

Our Term 2 topic is ‘People Who Help Us’.  The children will learn about lots of different jobs people do that help them and the people in their local community. Hopefully we will be lucky to get a few visitors from the Ambulance Service, Police and Fire Brigade. The children will learn who to contact in the event of an emergency and more specifically, which emergency service to ask for. Children will be writing stories of people who have helped them and a thank you letter to someone who has helped them. They will have lots of opportunities for role play, singing and art. It’s sure to be a great topic!  


The children’s vocabulary will continue to be a main focus this term. We will be introducing a word wall in the nursery which will display all the new words the boys and girls have been learning. We will continue to work on syllables and rhymes. The children will be inviting some of the older pupils to read to them throughout this term and we will be introducing new prediction and summarizing activities with fiction texts. Lastly, the children will practice writing their name in their ‘Mark Making’ worksheet which will be kept in their folder. Every term your child will be asked to write his/hers name and hopefully we will see progression as the year goes on.  

Numeracy and Mathematics 

Children will continue to practise counting, identifying and sequencing numbers to 10 and beyond. We will introduce symmetry by asking the children to create symmetrical patterns and we will do some further work on positional language e.g. in front of, behind, below, above, top, bottom etc. The children will also be learning to continue and copy a pattern.  

Health and Wellbeing 

Our Term 2 topic, People Who Help Us, will cover a lot of our health and wellbeing lessons. At gym times we will focus on control and coordination and introduce some new ball handling skills and we will continue with daily tooth brushing and massage.  


Through the children’s everyday experiences and play, they will be encouraged to think about simple types of forces and use the words pull, push, squeeze, twist and drop to describe any changes they see.   


The boys and girls have been very lucky to receive some cameras and new iPad’s this Term. The children will be taking photographs and learning how to print their pictures and we will be continuing to practise our mouse skills in the Computer Suite.


Term 1 August – October

Our Term 1 topic is all about ‘My Wellbeing’.  The children will be learning how to stay safe and healthy as well as being respectful and responsible citizens. We will be following the SHANARRI indicators which you will see in your children’s folders. They are; Safe, Healthy, Active, Nurtured, Achieving, Respected, Responsible and Included. Some of our activities will include looking at germs and carrying out an experiment, bird feeding and litter picking, a food tasting session and learning about safety on the roads, at nursery and at home.


One of our main areas of focus this year will be developing the children’s vocabulary. A new word will be introduced at the start of each week and will be embedded within that week’s activities. Children will learn to clap the syllables in our new word and learn to use the word correctly. Our weekly word will be written on the whiteboard in the cloakroom as well as being displayed in the nursery. The children will be choosing and listening to fiction and non-fiction stories. They will be asked to predict what they think is going to happen in the story and summarise the key points of the story.

Numeracy and Mathematics

The children will be learning to identify 2D shapes – squares, circles, rectangles and triangles. They will be developing their awareness of types of coins and how money is used. We will be introducing a Carnwath Nursery ‘Shop’ where the children can role-play buying and selling healthy foods. Children will explore numbers to 10 and beyond and will work on being able to identify, recognise and sequence numbers.

Health and Wellbeing

A lot of our health and wellbeing lessons will be covered in our topic ‘My Wellbeing’. We will be doing a food tasting session where the children will try lots of different foods and new textures. The children also eat snack at the table with their peers’ daily, eating lots of fresh fruit and vegetables. We will be introducing massage and doing our daily tooth brushing and for our P.E., we will be working on our ball skills as well as our balance.


The children will be visiting the computer suite in the primary school and developing their mouse control by drawing a picture.