Citizens of the week for 25th- 29th November 2024

Citizens of the week for 25th – 29th November are as follows –

Primary 1/2 – Leo a responsible citizen for always listening and following instructions

Primary 2/3 – Holly a responsible citizen for always being kind and helpful to the other children and adults in the class

Primary 3/4 – Blair an effective contributor for trying hard especially with Christmas show practise and helping and encouraging others

Primary 4/5 – Blake an effective contributor and successful learner for showing enthusiasm for learning especially with Christmas show practise encouraging others

Primary 6/7W – Ethan a successful learner for always having a positive attitude to his learning and determined to do his best at all times

Primary 6/7B – Aaron K-W a confident individual for demonstrating excellent drama skills during our Christmas show rehearsals


Citizens of the week for 18th – 22nd November 2024

Citizens of the week for 18th – 22nd November are as follows –

Primary 1/2 – Iona a successful learner for wonderful independent writing

Primary 2/3 – Erica a responsible citizen for always upholding our school values and being kind and polite to others

Primary 3/4 – Lilith a successful learner for amazing effort with retelling her new story confidently and always trying her best

Primary 4/5 – Maeby a successful learner for trying hard in literacy and maths resulting in excellent work

Primary 6/7W – Junior a responsible citizen and successful learner for having a respectful and positive attitude

Primary 6/7B – Selena a successful learner for completing challenging decimal number work very efficiently and with great accuracy


Citizens of the week for 11th – 15th November 2024

Citizens of the week for 11th – 15th November are as follows –

Primary 1/2 – Finlay a successful learner for working hard on his phonemes and written tasks

Primary 2/3 – Sophie M a responsible citizen for showing a positive attitude and enthusiasm towards all her learning

Primary 3/4 – Navaiah a successful learner for trying her best with her work and for excellent reading. You’re doing so well!

Primary 4/5 – Phoebe a confident individual and successful learner for being so positive and trying her best with every task/activity

Primary 6/7W – Eden  a successful learner and confident individual for not giving up when finding written addition and subtraction tricky meaning he can now do this independently and confidently

Primary 6/7B – Daisy a successful learner for excellent written comprehension work based on the novel Cogheart


Citizens of the week for 4th – 8th November 2024

Citizens of the week for 4th – 8th November are as follows –

Primary 1/2 – Murray P a successful learner for working hard on his literacy jobs

Primary 2/3 – Lewis W a responsible citizen for being helpful in the class and tidying up after other children (without being asked)

Primary 3/4 – Cameron McC a successful learner for trying his best with his work and setting a good example to others

Primary 4/5 – Daisy a successful learner for always doing the best she can do in every activity/task

Primary 6/7W – Angus a successful learner for being resilient and determined with his learning which has helped him progress well

Primary 6/7B – Calvin a successful learner amazing results with tricky addition and subtraction work this week


Citizens of the week for 28th October – 1st November 2024

Citizens of the week for 28th October – 1st November are as follows –

Primary 1/2 – Robyn a responsible citizen for always being a kind friend to everyone

Primary 2/3 – Summer a responsible citizen for showing a positive attitude to her learning and always trying her best with all tasks

Primary 3/4 – Max B a responsible citizen for always showing positive behaviour and showing great effort towards all his learning

Primary 4/5 – Jax a successful learner for working hard to slow down his reading and use punctuation improving his fluency

Primary 6/7W – Emilia a responsible citizen for always being respectful and working exceptionally well at all times

Primary 6/7B – Euan an effective contributor for leading STEM based learning using our new Kapla resource
