Term 4, our last term of this year!
Literacy and English – We will be finishing Active Literacy for our current stage and having several consolidation weeks to ensure the children are ready to move on. The children explore a Talk for Writing piece associated with the rainforest as well as several other pieces of writing including a persuasive piece about deforestation and our enterprise topic
French – Through our daily calendar we will be focussing on days of the week and the weather. Primary 3/4 will be learning about colours which will bring in prior knowledge about clothing and objects. We will then be exploring food and how to ask for items in a restaurant.
Numeracy and Mathematics – The children will be finishing off the four operations and moving onto learning about fractions, decimals, time and money. We will continue to use Number Talks to begin as we progress in our ability to mentally calculate problems and discuss our answer as well as method used.
Health and Wellbeing – This term in PE the children will be learning about tennis and athletics as well as practising for sports day. The children will be continuing to include massage in their day at school as well as beginning the afternoon with a ‘mindfulness Moment’ to help them focus after lunch break.
Expressive Arts – The children will be creating a rainforest mural for our class display as well as various other art activities associated to our rainforest topic. The children will also continue to develop their confidence through drama games and mini performances to the class.
Technologies – To promote the children using their problem solving skills within a food focus we will be designing a cupcake as a class competition. The children will need to plan and create their own design and then change parts if needed during the planning or making e.g. they did not have red icing. At the end the children will evaluate their own work and others’ and feedback.
Social Studies/Interdisciplinary Learning – The children will be looking at a climate zones and discussing how these are different and describing how it affects living things. The children will be able to identify where you find rainforests by using maps. Follow rainforest planner for individual lesson break down. This social studies plan will be following with our enterprise by looking into Water Aid also.
R.M.E. – This term we will be focussing on the Pillars of Islam and Special Books from different religions.
P3/4 Term 3
Literacy and English – We will be continuing with Active Literacy to develop our phonics and spelling skills. We will be continuing to work on our reading fluency, expression and our comprehension skills. We will also look at non-fiction books related to our topic ‘The Vikings’. In talking and listening the children will be presenting a short talk on several interesting facts they have learned over the term on Vikings.
French – Through our daily calendar we will be focussing on days of the week and the weather. The children will also be learning about parts of the body and clothing.
Numeracy and Mathematics – The children will continue to use Number Talks to begin each maths lesson as a way of developing their mental maths skills.
Health and Wellbeing – This term we will focus on the Health and Wellbeing indicator of each month through verbal discussions with the children. We will continue to discuss Emotion Works and use our daily check in to discuss our feelings. In P.E. the children will be learning about Hockey and Gymnastics.
Expressive Arts – Art will be focussing on our Viking Topic with one activity being creating our own clay models. We will be creating our own drama pieces as well as participating in regular drama games.
Technologies – The children will be creating their own book on the computers learning about changing the font, font size, alignments and inserting pictures. We will also be learning about the importance of staying safe online.
Social Studies – We will begin our topic by finding out what the children already know about The Vikings and what they want to find out more about. The children will be looking at Viking invasions as well as learning about life inside a longboat and comparing that to today.
Interdisciplinary Learning – Our main curricular focus for this term will be Expressive Arts, Health and Wellbeing and Social Studies.
Term 2 (Oct-Dec)
P3/4 are all set for another busy term!
Literacy and English – We will be continuing with Active Literacy to develop our phonics and spelling skills. To improve our reading we will be working on developing fluency, expression and our comprehension skills. We will also look at non-fiction books related to our topic and use the contents page, index and glossary to help us find information. The children will be working on imaginative writing such as ‘If I were a Pirate’ as well as writing a thank you letter. In our talking and listening work, every child will be given opportunities to regularly discuss work with others and will be presenting a class talk on a topic of their choice.
French – Through our daily calendar we will be focussing on days of the week and the weather however the children will be developing their understanding of months of the year as well as being able to say when their birthday falls and hold regular French conversations with each other through prior learning.
Numeracy and Mathematics – The children will be using Number Talks to begin each maths lesson as a way of developing their mental maths skills. Our focus this term will be on the four operations; addition, subtraction, division and multiplication.
Health and Wellbeing – This term we will focus on the Health and Wellbeing indicator of each month through verbal discussions with the children. We will continue to discuss Emotion Works by using stories, video clips or situations that may arise. Primary 3/4 will also be using Massage in Schools several times during the week. In P.E. we will learn how to play netball and take part in social dance as we prepare for our Christmas parties.
Expressive Arts – Art will be heavily focussed on our Pirates topic with lots of design work such as creating our own treasure chests and class. The P3 children will be involved in the nativity this term which will include work in music, dance and drama. The P4 children will create their own dance sequences to different types of music and participate in drama games and role play scenarios. We will be doing different types of ‘Hot Seating’ taking on the roles of Pirates.
Technologies – The children will have more opportunities to use the internet for research into our class topic and will be working in pairs to find out about a specific pirate of their choice. This information will then be used to create ‘fact sheets’ using either Microsoft Word or PowerPoint. We will be learning how to create PowerPoints which include animation titles to display our information found about Pirates.
Sciences: This term our focus for science will be on Biological Sciences covering germs and inheritance.
Social Studies – We will begin our topic by finding out what the children already know about Pirates and what they want to find out more about. The children will be using an atlas and globe to locate where Pirates may have been. The children will find out about life as a Pirate in the past and look to compare Pirates from the past to those today.
We will be exploring famous Pirates eg. Blackbeard using books and the internet to find out more information. There will be a lot of interaction and discussion used as we debate whether it would be good to be a pirate or not.
Interdisciplinary Learning – Our main curricular focus for this term will be Expressive Arts, Technologies and Social Studies.
Welcome to our class page for Primary 3/4. We have all settled back into school and are looking forward to the busy year ahead of us with lots of exciting learning.
Term 1 (Aug-Oct)
Literacy and English – This term we are going to be carrying out a book study. We are reading ‘The Owl Who Was Afraid Of The Dark’ by Jill Tomlinson. We will be focusing on reading skills such as predicting, skimming, connecting and summarizing throughout. The children will be writing imaginative stories related to our book study alongside personal writing to help us all get to know each other. In terms of listening and talking the children will be learning about delivery, content and body language with the aim to present their own talk to the other children in the class on a subject of their choice.
French – This term we are concentrating on French greetings, names, ages and where we live. The children will also order their lunch in French every day alongside our daily calendar!
Numeracy and Mathematics – We will be working on place value, number processes and 2D and 3D shapes. P3/4 will also begin to look at addition and subtraction. Throughout this term we will continue to develop our mental maths strategies and problem solving skills.
Health and Wellbeing – Our focus for HWB is on the Wellbeing Indicators and learning how to show respect as a class whilst having circle time to discuss friendships and mental health and well-being. At the beginning of the term we will spend time remembering and discussing class and school rules and the responsibilities we have to ensure this. We will use the UN Children’s rights to support this with the aim of creating our rights for the class and creating a handprint each with our rights within these In P.E. we will be taking part in team games and developing our ball skills. We will also be looking at road safety and entering the road safety competition.
Expressive Arts –Art this term will focus on our book study which will include creating our own clay models of owls. The children will be following a dance program and have already enjoyed a taster dance session from cherry Dance studios. They will participate in drama games and role play scenarios and are learning to use percussion instruments to explore loud/soft and high/low sounds in music.
R.M.E. – The children will develop their understanding of Harvest and Respect.
Technologies – In I.C.T our class will be focusing on how to use Microsoft Word. We will be incorporating our learning across the curriculum to use a variety of websites on the internet. The children will also be involved in food technology as they make their own healthy sandwich with a visit from Warburtons.
Social Studies -Through our work of ‘The owl who was afraid of the dark’ we will be investigating nocturnal animals and thinking about the habitats they live in and how humans can preserve these.
Interdisciplinary Learning – The main curricular areas we will focus on this term are Health and Wellbeing, Expressive Arts, Literacy. It is hoped we will get a Forest Visit as part of this term.