Welcome to Primary 5/6’s class page. We hope you find this useful!
Important Dates for Term 3: Scottish Assembly – Friday 24th January, all welcome!
Term 3 (Jan-Apr)
Literacy and English – In spelling, Primary 5 will be focusing on consolidating the phoneme families for different learned sounds using our Active Literacy programme. Primary 6 will be learning about Affixes and Homophones this year using the Active Literacy programme. We will continue learning our common words and spelling rules each week. This term we will also continue with our reading programme in class, looking at analysing texts. In writing, we will be completing a Scottish focus T4W ‘Little Charlie’ where we will learn and innovate this journey story. We will focus on descriptions of Scottish places, animals, words and people as well as looking at speech marks. We will use what we have learned to write our Hot Task which will be our own journey stories!
Numeracy and Mathematics – This term, we will begin looking at fractions, decimals and percentages. We are still completing our times table challenge a few times a week to consolidate our tables facts. We encourage parents/carers to practise these at home with their child We will also focus on multiples, factors and primes as well as chance and uncertainty. We will continue our word problem, number talks and mental maths each day. We will also be completing some NRich problem solving tasks this term.
Health and Wellbeing – This term, we will be learning about intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and thinking about people who inspire us. We will also have a focus on ‘food and the consumer’ learning about food miles and where certain foods are grown and imported from. We will create our own smoothies and find out the food miles that our smoothies produced. We will have a small topic on creating our own breakfast cereal adverts. In groups, we will watch and discuss what impact an advert has on the viewer. We will from here, create our own adverts for our own made up breakfast cereals. We will also continue with P.E on a Monday with Mrs Goodwin and on a Wednesday with Miss Reid.
Social Studies – Our topic this term is The Scottish Parliament. We will focus on learning about the history of parliament, union of crowns and the creation of the parliament. We will look at and discuss democracy and what this means. Furthermore, we will – in detail – learn about the political parties and their leaders, names, logos etc. Towards the end of the term, our focus will turn to the role of an MSP, roles in parliament, how laws are made and the voting system.
Religious and Moral Education – We will explore Wisdom and Truth this term as well as looking at the story of the Prodigal Son.
Technologies – We will be focusing on food technology as part of our HWB topic on food and the consumer. We will be working in groups to design a new breakfast cereal and will use the computer (serif drawplus application) to generate a logo and mascot and use the iPads to create advertisements for their product.
Expressive Arts – This term our EA will mainly be through our T4W block and our Scottish celebration performance. We will be reciting ‘A wee kirk moose’ poem and singing ‘A Bonnie wee Jeannie McCall.’ We will continue to use Fischy music and ABC music to support our learning.
Important Dates for Term 2: Class Assembly – Friday 22nd November, all welcome!
Term 2 (Oct-Dec)
Literacy and English – In Literacy going to be reading a book study called Wartime Princess, which links in well with our Social Studies topic – WW2! We will be completing various activities around this book study such as a diary entry and letter home to our parents (if we were an evacuee). Our book study also gives us lots of exciting opportunities for imaginative and functional writing. In spelling, Primary 5 will be focusing on consolidating the phoneme families for different learned sounds using our Active Literacy programme. Primary 6 will be learning about Affixes and Homophones this year using the Active Literacy programme. We will continue learning our common words and spelling rules each week. This term we will also continue with our reading programme in class, looking at analysing texts.
Numeracy and Mathematics – This term, we will begin looking at decimals. We are still completing our times table challenge a few times a week to consolidate our tables facts. We encourage parents/carers to practise these at home with their child. We will look at the order of the operations (BOMDAS) and begin looking at Mathematics work with 2D and 3D shape. We will continue our word problem, number talks and mental maths each day. We will also be completing different problem solving tasks this year.
Health and Wellbeing – This term, we will be looking at healthy eating and looking at different types of diets, such as: diabetic diet, vegan, vegetarian and religious diets. We will plan and create a meal for a specific diet in small groups. We will also continue with P.E on a Monday with Mrs Goodwin and on a Wednesday with Miss Reid.
Social Studies – Our topic this term is World War 2. We will have a big focus on children in the war and relating to this closely, comparing and contrasting our lives vs lives of children in the war. We will look at the outbreak of war and order the events on a timeline. We will also complete a small case study on Anne Frank and the Holocaust after we look at evacuation, rationing and The Blitz.
Religious and Moral Education – We will explore Christmas this year. We will look at what a wartime Christmas was like and explore what Christmas is like for refugees around the world.
Technologies – In I.C.T. we will look at the different Microsoft Programmes and creating, editing and saving information. We will also look at food technology through our Health and Well-being and Social Studies.
French –This term, we will be looking at colours and weather. We will continue completing our French and German calendar each day.
Important Dates for Term 1: Trip to Dynamic Earth – 9th October.
Term 1 (Aug-Oct)
Literacy and English – In Literacy we are starting with our Book Study “Wonder” by AJ Palacio. We will be completing various activities around this book study as it links closely with what we are learning about Respect and Kindness. Our book study also gives us lots of exciting opportunities for imaginative and functional writing. In spelling, Primary 5 will be focusing on consolidating the phoneme families for different learned sounds using our Active Literacy programme. Primary 6 will be learning about Affixes and Homophones this year using the Active Literacy programme. We will continue learning our common words and spelling rules each week. This term we will also be completing a new ‘Talk4Writing’ and focusing on a beating the monster story ‘Beowulf’.
Numeracy and Mathematics – This term, we will learn about place value, estimating and rounding and the 4 operations for whole numbers. Primary 5 will focus on 5 digit numbers where Primary 6 will look at 6 digit numbers. We will continue our word problem, number talks and mental maths each day. We will also be completing different problem solving tasks this year.
Health and Wellbeing – We are starting the term with some circle time to discuss friendships and mental health and well-being as well as a focus on respect and friendship. We will be looking at road safety and exploring our emotions through Emotion Works.
Social Studies – Our topic this term is Natural Disasters. We will be exploring different types of natural disasters and how we stay protected from them. We will be completing different research projects on natural disasters and we will consolidate our learning with a class trip to Dynamic Earth in October.
Religious and Moral Education – We have started by looking at Respect this year. We discussed how children have rights and how they are met. We will also be looking at Yom Kippur this term where we will learn what this this and what religion follows this practise.
Technologies – In I.C.T. we are creating comic strips with our partners and learning how to design on a computer. We are looking at saving and opening pictures on the computer.
French – We will be learning about greetings in French such as saying, hello, goodbye, thank you and my name is. We will also focus on our birthday and what we know about our family.
We have a busy term but were looking forward to having a growth mindset and completing all the tasks Miss Reid has in store for us!