Welcome to the class page of P7 2018-2019!
Term 4 (April – June)
Our last term at Carnwath Primary…let’s make it a good one!
We have lots to look forward to including our trip to Edinburgh Zoo, our 3 day visit to Biggar High, our last Sports Day and Carnwath’s Got Talent.
Literacy– we will be continuing with our Active Literacy, looking at the skills of summarising, inferring, visualising, metalinguistics, connecting, main themes and predicting. For writing we will be doing Talk4Writing, where we learn a story, innovate it and create our own version.
Numeracy– our topics this term will be: Angles, Symmetry, Patterns and Relationships, Expressions and Equations, 2D + 3D shape. We will be continuing to look at word problems, complete number talks and do mental maths.
Health and Wellbeing– for PE this term we will be doing Tennis and Netball. We will also be focusing on “Healthy” as our wellbeing indicator, thinking about we can have healthy minds and healthy bodies.
Expressive Arts – we are very lucky to have the Scottish Opera coming to work with us this term. We will be working hard to learn the songs for the performance and we will be practising for our Leavers’ Assembly too.
IDL– in line with our Scottish Opera performance, we will be learning about the Jacobites.
RME– we will be looking at special books and Ramadan.
Technologies – we will be researching a European country of our choice and create a PowerPoint to show the class.
Term 3 (January – March)
We hope that you all had a fantastic Christmas and New Year.
Literacy– we will be looking at debating. We will be reading up on information then defending our viewpoint. We will continue to build on our grammar and punctuation and use this for our writing.
Numeracy– our main topics this term will be Time and Data Analysis. We will be interpreting information and creating our own graphs and charts.
Health and Wellbeing–we are looking forward to Biggar Rugby Club taking us for a 4 week block to learn the key skills. We will also be doing Hockey. We will continue to have a monthly focus from the wellbeing indicators. We will look at Achieving (January), Responsible (February) and Active (March) and complete activities around these. We will also be doing a programme called “Lessons for Living: Think Well, Do Well”. This will help children with skills they need to be more aware of, and manage, their thoughts, feelings and behaviour, particularly with worries and in situations they find problematic.
IDL– In January we will have a Scottish focus where we will be completing many fun activities that allow us to build on our Scots’ language. We will also be looking at the rainforest.
Expressive Arts–we are looking forward to preparing for our 2 performances this term; Scottish celebrations afternoon (25thJanuary) and our class assembly (1stMarch). We are looking forward to the singing, dancing and acting. We will also be looking at famous Scottish artist Steven Brown and creating our own version of his work.
RME– we will be looking at making resolutions and good choices in January and we will also be learning about the Holocaust.
Science– our main topic this term is biological systems.
Technologies – we will have the opportunity to video our Drama acts and analyse these on the computer.
Term 2
We hope that you all had a fantastic October holiday. We started off Term 2 with our residential to Lockerbie Manor. Here are some of our best moments:

Ready for Kayaking and Canoeing

Hoping we don’t fall in as the water is super cold!

Admiring Lockerbie on our hill walk

Activities at Wiston Lodge
All dressed and ready for the Disco….
And now it’s back to class! In Term 2 we are looking forward to….
Literacy – we will be completing a writing mission called “Lost Buildings”. Landmarks around Europe have mysteriously vanished and we will be working to gather evidence and warn politicians in the Houses of Parliament. We will also be using our Active Literacy strategies to help us with our reading. These are prior knowledge, summarising, visualisation, inference, themes and metalinguistics.
Numeracy – our topics this term will be Division, Multiples, Factors and Primes, and Fractions, Decimals and Percentages. We will continuing to dissect tricky word problems and complete number talks.
Health and Wellbeing – we are looking forward to practising our Scottish ceilidh dances in preparation for our Christmas party. During October our monthly focus from the wellbeing indicators will be ”nurtured” and during November it will be “included” and December “safe”. We will also be completing a range of activities during Anti-Bullying week. We are also going to be looking at self-esteem including self-management skills, interpersonal skills, decision making, goal setting, cooperation, bullying and harassment, and concepts for a healthy lifestyle.
IDL – we will be doing an Enterprise this term. We will be looking at what Enterprise is, deciding what kind of business we wish to run, creating a business name, logo and CVs, applying for jobs, purchasing/making products and maintaining our role within the company.
Expressive Arts – we will be looking at hot and cool colours to create autumnal pictures. Our Drama will be based on our Enterprise as we will complete roles as business owners.
R.M.E. – we will be looking at the human value of peace.
Science – in Science we will be learning about water. We will be discussing why water is essential for life and looking at the water cycle. We will also be looking at how particles are arranged in solids, liquids and gases.
Technologies – we will be using technologies to help us with our Enterprise. We will be researching products and comparing these. We will also be using Excel to look at spreadsheets to allow us to manage our business and costs.
Term 1 – August – October
Literacy – this term we will be completing a book study on “Divided City” by Theresa Breslin. This book addresses issues such as sectarianism and racism, giving us plenty of scope for discussion. We will be analysing the text and looking at how the author builds tension and atmosphere, exploring ideas based on football violence, looking at characters and their religious backgrounds, exploring the themes of group loyalty and prejudice and much more.
Numeracy – we are starting the term with Place Value. The Circles will be working with numbers up to 1 million and the Triangles will be working with numbers up to and beyond 1 million. We will then move on to Estimating and Rounding and Addition and Subtraction.
We will also be focusing on our times tables through various active and written tasks.
Health and Wellbeing – we will be looking at the importance of having a growth mindset and how this helps us with learning. We will also be focusing on the wellbeing indicators of “Respected” in August/September and “Nutured” in October. We will be completing a block on football, looking at the skills of dribbling, passing, defending and shooting.
IDL – our topic this term is Glasgow, where our Divided City book is set. We will be looking at maps of Glasgow, looking at the work of Charles Rennie MacKintosh, studying the Glasgow Coat of Arms and much more.
Expressive Arts – for Art we will be looking at line and pattern, as well as taking part in the Road Safety poster competition. Our Drama will be based on Divided City, inferring characters’ feelings and re-enacting key scenes.
R.M.E. – during August we will have a large focus on respect, thinking about how important this is both in and out of school. In August, we will look at thankfulness and discuss this as part of our work on Harvest.
Science – we will be exploring and investigating the Earth’s structure and the materials that make up the Earth’s surface. We will then compare some of the characteristics and uses of these materials. We will also be exploring and investigating forces and friction this term.
Technologies – we will be looking at the basic principles and techniques of animation. We will compare a range of animation software and incorporate the different techniques into our own animations. We will also have the chance to build a 3D structure of the Finneston Crane through our Glasgow topic.