Welcome to the P4/5 class page for 2019/2020!
Here you can find out about the exciting activities we will be doing in each term.
Term 3 (Jan- Apr)
Literacy – we will be continuing with Active Literacy for both spelling and reading. We will be looking at some Scottish texts and using these to learn some new Scottish words. In writing we will be completing another Talk For Writing block on a text called ‘Little Charlie’. This is a story about a character going on a journey and through it we will look at the use of speech marks, time connectives and more. We will also be analysing poems where the children will consider descriptive words used, alliteration etc.
Numeracy – the circles will continue with addition and then move on to subtraction. The squares will be doing multiplication, division, fractions and time. The triangles will be doing patterns and relationships, angles and time. We will also continue with Problem Solving, number talks and word problems.
Health and Wellbeing – we will look at the wellbeing indicators of achieving, responsible and active and what these mean to us. We will do this through various tasks such as looking at intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and considering food miles that different fruits travel and the impact this has on the economy and environment. This term we also have Health Week. We will be completing various tasks such as walking/running a mile each day, doing sporty stations, mindfulness work and much more. We will also be doing Netball in P.E.
Expressive Arts – we will be completing Scottish dramas based on well known fairytales. We will also be drawing Edinburgh Castle in art.
Technologies – our focus this term is on animations. We will use the programme Pivot Animator.
RME – we will look at praying and the story of The Prodigal Son.
Social Studies – we will be looking at Scottish places, animals and foods. We will also consider famous Scots such as William Wallace and Robert Bruce.
Term 2 (August-December)
Literacy – We will be continuing to use the Active Literacy programme. For spelling, all groups will be doing phonemes and common words with the butterflies and ladybirds doing spelling rules too. For reading all groups will continue to read and analyse texts and use a range of strategies to show their understanding. We will be doing some Halloween writing and also looking at poetry, focussing on the Caribbean sea. Additionally, we will be doing a media study on Treasure Island.
Numeracy – The circles will be focusing on numbers to 1000, the squares will be doing subtraction, multiplication and division and the triangles will be doing multiplication, divison and fractions, decimals and percentages. We will continue to do a range of active and written tasks.
Health and Wellbeing – We are lucky to have Biggar rugby club in to work with us for 4 sessions. We will also be doing some Hockey before going on to do ceilidh dancing, to practise for our party. We will be looking at self esteem too including self-management skills, cooperation, and decision making.Our wellbeing indicators for this term are nurtured, included and safe.
RME – We will be looking at fairness and justice in line with Anti-bullying week and also Christmas and special journies.
Social Studies/IDL – It may be winter but we will be keeping ourselves warm this term with our Caribbean topic. We will be exploring the islands, making floral garlands, tasting exotic fruits, planning a holiday with a budget and much more.
Technologies – We will be using ICT to find out about the Caribbean islands and where they are in the world.
Expressive arts – Our expressive arts will be covered through our Caribbean topic such as with our fish art, making flags, making own music and creating our own drama based on pirates and islands.
Term 1 (August-October)
Literacy – we will be completing our book study on ‘Street Child’ by Berlie Doherty. The book is set in the Victorian times and gives insight to a real-life character named Jim, whose plight inspired Dr Barnardo to set up his children’s homes. We will be analysing the text and using the Active Literacy strategies to demonstrate our understanding as well as discussing characters, setting and plot. The book also gives lots of opportunities for writing such as through letters, diary entries and the main themes.
Numeracy –we are starting the term with Place Value. The triangles will be working with 4 and 5 digit numbers and the circles and squares will be working with 3 digit numbers. We will then move on to Estimating and Rounding and Addition and Subtraction. We will also be focusing on our times tables and number bonds through various active and written tasks.
Health and Wellbeing – through our book study we will be using Emotion Works to help us understand Jim’s emotions, triggers and behaviours, as well as other characters. We will also focus on the health and wellbeing indicator of respect . When we are creating our road safety posters we will be thinking about how we can stay safe on the roads. In PE we will have a focus on teamwork, working together and cooperating to be successful.
RME – linking with Health and Wellbeing, we will be creating a class charter which will detail how we can be respectful to ourselves, others and property, both in and out of school.
IDL – our topic will be the Victorians. We will learn about Queen Victoria and the British Empire, Victorian children including school and toys, working life, inventions and much more.
Expressive Arts – our book study to lots of great Drama activities such as re-enacting key scenes, thinking about the many workers in the streets trying to make a living and performing interviews. We will draw our own Victorian school during art and look at the work of famous artist William Morris.
Science – Science will be covered by Mrs Goodwin.
Technologies – we will beusing ICT to help us research Victorian inventions and to find out about the British empire. We will also be creating Victorian toys.