Welcome to our P5/6 class page!
Term 4 Learning
We are hoping to organise a sponsored walk around the village to raise money for Orangutan Appeal UK. We will update you on a date for this as soon as possible.
Other important dates:
9th June – Sports Day PM
12th June – Scottish Opera Performance PM
21st June – Carnwath’s Got Talent
We will begin the term with a short focus on world of work, where we will be exploring various career paths and life goals.
We are continuing with our reading programme, reading novels and using skimming and scanning techniques to find quotes for the reading strategies. We will do a short block on poetry which will link with our writing. We will be analysing and evaluating texts as part of talking and listening, where we will be exploring the features of a text in groups.
For writing, we will have a non fiction focus on personal and functional pieces, before focusing on poetry. Some of this will be linked to our World of Work week and our Jacobites topic.
Our main maths topics will be measure (area/perimeter/volume), data handling, co-ordinates, symmetry, probability and chance and shape. These topics will be cross curricular with lots of opportunities for using concrete materials and outdoor learning. Towards the end of the term, we will revisit topics such as the four operations and other aspects of measurement (length and weight).
Health and Wellbeing
The wellbeing indicators for this term are active and healthy, then we will revisit them all. Our main health topics for this term are substance misuse, and relationships, sexual health and parenthood. We will continue to use emotion works across the curriculum.
Other Learning
Our main interdisciplinary topic for this term is the Jacobites. We will learn about how people lived then, a timeline of key events and the battles involved in the Jacobite rebellion. This topic will also be the focus for our Scottish Opera performance in June.
For art, we will have a block taught by Mrs Lamb on natural forms through collage. For music, we will be learning lots of songs for our Scottish Opera performance. P5 will continue with their music tuition on a Thursday, and P6 will be learning how to drum.
In December, the children wrote fantastic pieces of persuasive writing about Orangutans, and how they are in danger of becoming extinct. They were very inspired by this, and wanted to send their writing to the orangutan charity – Orangutan Appeal UK. We were over the moon to receive a quick personalised reply, along with photographs and information. For Christmas, we adopted an orangutan called Archie. Here he is:-
We are hoping to do some sort of enterprise to raise money for this charity. Watch this space!
Important Dates for Term 3
18th Jan – P6 Stem Day at Biggar
25th Jan – Scottish Celebration 1.15pm
6th March – World Maths Day
11th March – Health Week
27th March – Parent Consultations
29th March – Easter Assembly
Term 3 Learning
We are beginning with a short Scottish focus, looking at Scottish language, poems and stories.
We will continue to work reading fluency and comprehension strategies through our group novels.
For writing, we will be using the new Talk for Writing approach for imaginative suspense stories. This involves mapping out and learning a suspense story off by heart, and then using the features to write our own. We are looking forward to sharing our work!
Our maths topics will be fractions, decimals and percentages, money and finance and angles. We will continue to work on daily word problems, number talks and mental maths strategies.
Health and Wellbeing
The well-being indicators for this term are achieving, responsible and active. We will continue to use the emotion work programme through our class work and literacy work.
We will be having a health week, where we will be focusing on different aspects of physical, emotional and mental well being through class and whole school activities.
For P.E, we will be focusing on rugby, gymnastics and badminton.
Other Learning
As part of our mini Scottish topic, we will be mapping Scottish cities, learning landmarks and the landscape, learning about tartan and the culture (including celebrations and food), songs/drama and Scottish artists. We will be creating some of our own Scottish art.
Our next interdisciplinary topic will be World War 2. We will be learning about the outbreak of the war, evacuation, rationing, the role of women and the holocaust.
For RME, we will be focusing on the values of wisdom, truth and forgiveness. Our main topic will be the holocaust.
For ICT, we will be learning how to create and use a spreadsheet.
Important Dates for Term 2
31st October – Halloween Party. Children can bring their costume to get changes into in the afternoon.
17th December – P6/7 Party
18th December – P4/5 Party
Thank you so much to everyone who attended our assembly and classroom visit for origami and beetle drive. We hope you had as much fun as we did!
Here’s what we will be learning in Term 2!
We are continuing to learn to analyse texts with quotes, using the reading strategies. This will mostly be done with novels and through some non-fiction texts. We will also be focusing on other non fiction texts such as newspapers.
Our writing tasks will have a non-fiction focus using the Big Writing resource, where we will be writing persuasive pieces, reports and newspaper reports.
Talking and Listening tasks will be based on group discussion techniques.
Maths lessons every day will begin with a word problem, mental maths and number talks. This provides lots of opportunities to develop mental strategies when calculating, and talk about our methods.
We will begin with multiplication and division of whole numbers. Then we will have a focus on decimals – place value, estimating and rounding, and using the 4 operations.
We will continue to use the Numicon resources where appropriate, and lots of visual and concrete materials to deepen our understanding.
Other maths topics will be patterns, expressions and equations.
We will be introduced to our new health programme called Emotion Works. This will help us to learn emotional triggers, emotion vocabulary, emotional body sensations. emotional behaviours and also help us to understand ways to manage emotional incidents.
Other health topics will include kindness, bullying and resilience.
P.E for this term will be netball, dance and tennis.
Other Curricular Areas
Our social studies topics for this term will be natural disasters and the Scottish Parliament.
We will be focusing on music using the ABC music programme, and also learning some Scottish dances for our Christmas party.
For ICT, we will be learning how to use a spreadsheet and data handling.
We hope to cover art and crafts through Halloween, Bonfire Night and ofcourse Christmas!
Please note homework is given out on a Monday, and unless specified, is due on the Friday, to give children plenty of time to complete. Some children may have a homework pass (as a reward card) which they can choose for one piece of homework.
In our class, we have 3 different reward systems to recognise achievement, growth mindset and working hard. As a class, we work for class points to achieve a whole class reward. So far, we managed to get 50 class points to be sitting next to a friend for a week. This time, we are aiming for 100 point to get a homework free week. We also have group points, and the winning group will get something special from the golden box at the end of the term. Individual rewards is a raffle ticket system. Children can earn raffle tickets for their work, and a raffle is drawn on a Friday. The children get to choose a reward card when their number is called. Cards can be used once the following week, and include things such as sit next to a friend, homework pass, play a game when work is finished, choose your own partner and choose a warm up game at gym.
This term, we are doing a book study on Kensuke’s Kingdom. We will be analysing the text by using the various reading strategies such as using prior knowledge, identifying main themes, clarifying words with metalinguistics, visualising characters and settings, making inferences and summarising events.
Writing will be done through our book study, focusing on non fiction elements such as persuasive, personal, recount and imaginative.
For Talking and Listening, we will be learning the common skills through the Hear Say programme.
In French and German, we will be learning and practising basic greetings as well as the days/months/weather and seasons using a calendar.
Maths lessons every day will begin with a word problem, mental maths and number talks. This provides lots of opportunities to develop mental strategies when calculating, and talk about our methods.
Our first maths topic will be Measure, where we will learning different units of measure for length. We will be estimating and measuring lengths, and converting these to smaller and larger units such as mm, cm, m and km. We will be taking part in lots of practical activities inside and outside the classroom, and using our knowledge to solve problems.
For numeracy, we will be learning place value of whole numbers and how to round these. We will then move on to addition and subtraction.
Our well-being focus for this term is respected. We will talk about rights and responsibilities, and create class rules to ensure we respect ourselves and others. We will also learn about friendship through our book study.
We will be learning about road safety. P5 will take part in Bikeability Level 1 training.
This term the children will be exploring and investigating the Earth’s structure and the materials that make up the Earth’s surface. They will then compare some of the characteristics and uses of these materials.
The children will also be exploring and investigating forces and friction this term.
(Mrs Goodwin).
Other Curricular Areas
Most of our other learning will be interdisciplinary based through our Kensuke’s Kingdom and Japan topic. We will focus on art skills such as collage, painting, drawing and using pastels. Drama will develop improvisation skills based on the book.
We will be learning about the Japanese culture, landscape and history. We are also hoping to learn some Japanese language.
ICT will focus on using the internet and keyboard skills.