P4/5 Using our skills to solve problems

We are learning in P4/5 that solving maths problems involves using a lot of skills we already have and some we develop through problem solving e.g. collaboration (teamwork), listening, talking, numeracy, reading, analysing, justifying and lots more.

Today we were solving problems using our place value understanding as well as adding and subtracting.  We also had to ensure that everyone in our group understood how we got to the answer and then justify our process and answer to the class at the end. We found that part a bit tricky but we will continue to practise this weekly and get better at it.

It was clear to some of the groups where they had went wrong throughout the problem solving process which meant we learned from our mistakes.

The four groups used a different way to solve the problems e.g. act it out, use concrete objects, adding and subtracting and working backwards.

Some of the groups worked really well as a group – listening to everyone, taking turns, working in a quiet organised manner and trying out different ways to solve the problem.

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