P4/5 Solo Talks

For the past three weeks the children in Primary 4/5 have been preparing for their termly solo talk.  This term the subject was chosen by the teacher and it was on the Titanic as we have been learning about different aspects of the ship, crew and passengers as part of our topic.  These talks were fabulous and the children all had to bring a visual to support their talk.  Some children prepared powerpoints and some brought in models of the Titanic.  Others brought artefacts, photographs, scrap books and posters.  It was great to see the support that was also given at home to help the children prepare for these.

The children then self-assessed their talks by giving themselves two stars and a wish, followed by a discussion with the teacher on what we can do to improve in our next solo talk.

The children would like to choose their own topic for their next talk which will be for the beginning of January.

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