Nursery Christmas Arts and Crafts

Today we were delighted to welcome so many parents and carers to the nursery to participate in a Christmas themed Arts and Crafts session with their children. Together with their children they showed off their creative talents and made some fantastic Christmas cards and decorations. A huge thank you to all who attended and made it such a success!


Some of the feedback from Parents/Carers:

“Great fun had by adults and kids and great selection of craft materials”

“Had a wonderful afternoon with the children and my child enjoyed it so much. Thank you very much for inviting me along to see what children and adults were doing. Was a brilliant time thank you again”

“Loved it! Had a great afternoon spending time making Christmas things with my child”

“We had great fun playing and making Christmas things, its always nice to see what’s going on. Thanks to the staff for taking the time to do this during their lunch time”

“We thoroughly enjoyed this afternoon and have some interesting pictures as a result”