P4/5 STEM: Inventing Games

The children today have been inventing their own games.  Together they decided which resources to use; how many players can play; the rules of the game and how to play; and explain how to win.  They tried and tested their own game a few times and updated their game amending where required.  They then played each others games, using the rules provided and gave constructive feedback.

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Quotes from the children:

‘It was quite challenging to think of an actual game to invent as there’s already loads of games in the world.’ Ruaridh

‘I thought it was fun figuring out how to create a game.  The next time I think we would find it easier to do.’ Kloe

‘I thought it was challenging playing the other group’s memory game because you had to focus on where each of the cards were.’ Julia

‘I found it quite hard because we had lots of ideas but it was hard to decide which idea to use.’ Eve

‘I liked to make our game because it was fun to ask people to act out our game.’ Sarah