P4/5 Dyslexia Scotland Workshop – Dekko Comics

The children in Primary 4/5 had the privilege of meeting Rossi Stone the creator of Dekko Comics.  Rossi came along to talk to the children about Dyslexia and introduce to them an alternative, fun way to learn. He created the Dekko comics based on a technique he used at school to overcome his own dyslexia.

The children created their own super hero or villain.  The heroes had special powers or gadgets to help them overcome their difficulties and the villains had to have powers or gadgets to create problems for children and their learning.

The children had amazing fun creating these characters, using their creative imaginations and some of them volunteered to showcase theirs in front of the class.

Since Rossi’s visit some children have been reading the Dekko Comics and they have really inspired the children to write their own which we will do.

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