P5/6 African v Indian Dancing

Today the children were investigating and discussing the mood, actions and gestures of both African and Indian dancing.  They were comparing both and created an African dance and Indian dance in their groups. The creativity was fabulous and as always the teamwork was superb.  Very proud!!!

“In Indian dancing it seems to be more feminine and African is more manly.” Kacey

“I thought that the African was really energetic and fun to create.” Ellie May

“African was definitely my favourite because you got to jump about more and make decisions on what moves we wanted to do.” Eve

“I think I liked the African dancing because it was really bouncy.” Kelsey Rikki

“I enjoyed the African more as the moves are weird and silly but fun.” Ruaridh

“I preferred the kind of Bollywood dancing better because I felt it was nice music to dance to.” Taylor

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