Citizens of the week for 15th – 19th January 2024

Citizens of the week for 15th -19th January are  as follows

Primary 1 – Ariah-Grace I for being a confident Individual and successful learner in all her tasks

Primary 1/2 – Nelle P a confident individual by always challenging herself and having a positive attitude towards all her work

Primary 2/3 – Nathan G a confident individual and successful learner for using his own ideas to create a wonderful piece of Charles Rennie Macintosh inspired art work

Primary 4/5 – Oliver McS a successful learner for trying hard to work more independently on his literacy and numeracy tasks

Primary 5/6 – Amber McK  a successful learner for trying so hard in maths and literacy and her  work being neat and accurate

Primary 6/7 – Emily B a confident individual and successful learner by making excellent progress in maths
