Online Star of the Week

Children in Nursery and P1 – 3  are all working very hard in class and, as before, they receive various awards, points, stickers and certificates throughout the course of the day and week while at school. 

We will continue to recognise the efforts of the children who are in P4 – P7 who are still working very hard at home. The staff working with them on their Google Classrooms have awarded ‘Online Star of the Week’ awards to the following children:

P3/4/5 -Lilly Douglas – for putting excellent detail into her answers and working hard.

P3/4/5 – Hollie Newlands – for showing great perseverance and being a great learner.

P5/6 -Barrie Forrester for making an effort to have work submitted in time.

P5/6 – Lewis Gardiner – for always responding to feedback and putting 100% effort into completing his work independently.

P6/7 -Holly Frame – for making an excellent effort to keep up with online learning and always putting in 100% effort with every task.

P6/7 -Sophie Douglas – for working hard and trying her best.

Well done to you all! We will post photos of your certificates below and also on your class Google Classroom stream. 

Lilly Douglas Hollie Newlands Barrie Forrester Lewis Gardiner Holly Frame Sophie Douglas