Nursery Forest Trip

On Tuesday the Nursery children went to the forest to learn all about Minibeasts. This topic was chosen by the children as it is a common interest among many of them.

We started off the session by going on a hunt for pictures of lots of different minibeasts hidden around the forest.

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We then read a story called ‘Mad about minibeasts’. We talked about all of the different insects within the pictures and identified which ones were our favourite.


After listening to the story we made a model of our favourite minibest using plasticine.

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After making our minibeasts, we talked about where they might like to live and what they might need to survive in the forest. Then we made our own bug houses by carefully selecting a variety of natural resources from around the forest. We brought our bug houses back to nursery and have chosen to put them in sheltered areas around the nursery outdoor area to try and attract some insects to live in them.

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We then had a picnic snack after all of our hard work!

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After snack we counted the spots on the ladybird and identified the corresponding number on the number line.

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We finished off our visit by making spider webs using paper plates and wool.

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Thank you to all of the adult helpers who came along to make this visit possible. We all had a great time and cant wait for our next visit to learn even more about Minibeasts!