After their lovely breakfast this morning group 5 made their way to the Zip Wire. They enjoyed zooming between trees followed by the Blind Trail. The groups compared experiences since group 5 did it in daylight and group 6 did it in darkness. Group 6 enjoyed the Obstacle Course and got very muddy. They were under and over obstacles and used lots of teamwork skills. After lunch we headed to Kayaking and Canoeing. We had to use balance and courage(at times we were even standing on the kayak!). The water experience was fantastic and all the children did amazing, many going out their comfort zone (this being something we had talked about at Wiston Lodge). We then had dinner of Chicken Escalope, Sweet & Sour Chicken or Vegetable Lasagne before going on to do the climbing wall. It was very wet but children embraced the challenge with many reaching the top. We ended our day with hot chocolate and even had a visit from Mrs Easton.