P5-7 Enterprise is the Business

Today p5-7 enjoyed taking part in Enterprise the Business. The children worked in groups to create their own business names, slogans and logos. The groups had to decide who would take on each of the business roles, for example managing director, finance, buyer, seller and so on. The theme this year was ‘Around the World’ and the children were tasked with creating numerous items with that theme, including, cards, gift boxes, bookmarks and table decorations and sell them to make a profit. They had to budget in order to buy the items needed to make their creations from the shop and convince the staff that they were worth buying. Once an item was bought the children were given a cheque and had to go to the bank to cash it in. Every team worked really hard and it was amazing to see what they created! It was a very close competition with Crafty Kids winning overall! Well done to everyone for taking part.


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