P6/7 Update

We have had a busy start to term 4 and everyone in P6/7 has been working hard! We have started our new topic on the Olympics and have been learning about the differences between the Ancient and Modern Olympics, important symbols including the rings and the torch and have been discussing the advantages and disadvantages of becoming a host city. Here are some pictures of our Olympic torch artwork:

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We have also been working hard on designing stamps to symbolise our heroes of the Corona virus pandemic as part of a Royal Mail competition. Here are some of our designs:

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Also, thank you to Mhairi from Active Schools who has been coming in on Wednesday afternoons to teach us netball! We have been enjoying learning new skills.

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P6/7 – Maths Teamwork!

We have been working hard on our measure topic in maths, learning how to measure using rulers and metre sticks and convert between units of measure. We have been practising calculating perimeters too. The children have enjoyed working together and learning collaboratively in maths since being back at school!

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P6/7 Dream Catchers

We have been making dream catchers as part of our HWB and art activities. We spoke about our hopes and dreams for the near and distant future, including things we’re looking forward to after lockdown and jobs that the children would like to have when they are older. We made them to capture our hopes and dreams and to remind us to stay positive! Well done everyone, this task took a lot of perseverance!

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P6/7 Update

P6/7 had fun last week taking part in some outdoor learning, team building tasks and Halloween activities! The highlight was having a camp fire with s’mores, teacakes and popcorn!

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