Mrs Easton’s Magical Competition

I am running a competition for any child in our school to enter and there will be PRIZES!!  You can enter either or both competitions:

1. Tell a story in no more than 500 words.  Your story must involve magic! 
For example ‘The Magic Porridge Pot’ story had a porridge pot which never emptied because of a magic spell that had been put on it; Harry Potter involved magic and magical creatures.

2. Design something with magic powers and write beside it what it does with it’s magic.
For example, in the books about Mrs Jolly she had a magic broomstick which allowed her to do her job as a cleaner very quickly and without too much effort.

If you are writing a story then either type it on the computer or scan in your writing and email it to your class teacher – all of them have emailed you through your Glow account so you have their email address.   If you are taking part in the design competition then you can either scan or attach a photo to your email.  If you are unable to email your teacher then you can post your entry to the school for my attention but please do not come and drop off entries at school, they must come by Royal Mail.  Please make sure you have added your name to your entry.

All entries must be submitted by Tuesday, 9th June 2020.  Good luck and have fun!

Mrs Easton