SLC Parent and Pupil Surveys

In order to gather the views of children, young people and parents/carers of their views about lockdown, school closures and the support they may need before and during the return to school, the Educational Psychology Service in partnership with the Youth Family and Community Learning Service, has developed three surveys: one for P4-P7 pupils, one for secondary aged pupils and one specifically for parents/carers.
It is their intention that the outcomes of these surveys will inform our plans at local authority and school level for the return to formal education in the new session.

South Lanarkshire Primary Pupil Survey: P4-P7 pupils
Can your child have their say about their lockdown experiences and plan our next steps for school return? Please see our survey. Your child may need your help at times to complete this.

South Lanarkshire Parent/Carer Survey: Nursery to P7
Have your say. We would like your views as we plan for schools opening for all pupils in August. Please can you complete the short anonymous survey by June 15th?

Please note that the information being gathered through the surveys will be used only for the purposes set out by Education Resources with all personal data protected and not published, in line with General Data Protection Regulations.

Thank you for your help with this.