Upcoming Christmas Fair! Help Needed Please!

The Christmas Fair will be held in the school on Saturday 12th November 2016 fromĀ  12-3pm.

We would appreciate any donations for our Home Baking, Bottle Tombola and Kids Jam Jar Tombola stalls. We are happy to wrap any jars donated. Home baking donations should be free of nuts and handed in to the school office no earlier than Friday 11th November please.

We would also ask for all raffle tickets, including any unsold books to be returned to the office before the end of the school day on Friday 11th November.

Finally, during school next week, with the help of some P7 pupils, we are running a ‘Guess the Birthday’ and ‘Guess the Number of Sweets in the Jar’ competition for the children. It is 50p for 2 guesses.

Thanks for your continued support,

Gail Ramsay – Chairperson, Parent Council
