Category Archives: Parent Council
Halloween Disco P1-P7 – Tuesday 29th October 2019
Did you know you can raise money for our school for free when you shop online?
Over 3,600 big name retailers like Amazon, Argos, John Lewis, ASOS,, eBay, Boden, and M&S have signed up to Easyfundraising and have committed to giving small donations to good causes like ours. Visit our Easyfundraising page at and click ‘support us’. You can download the Easyfundraising App and raise donations for us when shop on your mobile or tablet. So far our supporters have raised over £750 for the school from shopping online… and it’s completely free! This money has helped to subsidise school trips and fund additional school equipment. Sign up today and help raise funds for the school for free when you buy online. |
Parent Council Office Bearers
We had a very successful Parent Council AGM on Tuesday 28th August. Many thanks to everyone for their very valuable contributions. There are already lots of exciting plans for the year ahead for events and for fundraising activities. You will find the minutes from the meeting below. All Parent Council Meeting minutes are located under the ‘Parent Council’ section on the ‘Parental Information’ menu.
Parent Council Minutes – AGM August 2019
Congratulations to the following office bearers who were elected for this year.
Chairperson- David Welsh
Vice Chairperson – Audrey Hartland
Treasurer – Roy Walker/Adrienne Walker
Secretary – William Wilson
Parent Council AGM – 28th August
Our Parent Council AGM is tomorrow night (Wednesday 28th August) at 6.30pm in the staffroom. All parents/carers are very welcome. Refreshments will be served.
We will appoint the new committee. New members are always welcome. Please consider coming along to join us. We would value your opinion and welcome new talents.
If you are unable to come along to Parent Council meetings but would like to help with events such as the Christmas Fair please let us know. We are always looking for extra help. We look forward to seeing you there.