Citizens of the week for 22nd-26th November 2021

Citizens of the week forĀ  22nd- 26th November are as follows –

Nursery – Ruari Mulhern for sharing and taking turns with his friends

Primary 1/2 – Georgia McHardy for always being ready to learn and working hard

Primary 2/3 – Amber Hamilton for excellent reading and comprehension work

Primary 4 – Benjamin McAleer for trying hard to focus on and complete his tasks

Primary 5/6 – Lucas Carswell for always being keen to learn new things and doing exceptionally well in maths telling the time

Primary 6/7 – Johan Jensen for making excellent progress in Literacy and Maths


Citizens of the week for 16th-19th November 2021

Citizens of the week for 16th-19th November are as follows –

Nursery – Lachlan McFarlane for developing in his confidence skills, being kind and being a caring friend

Primary 1/2 – Cameron Baxter for being kind, caring and helpful

Primary 2/3 – Selena Turner for being a super kind and helping our new children to fit in to our class

Primary 4 – Zander Lithgow for being thoughtful and kind to other children and helpful around our classroom

Primary 5/6 – Hollie Newlands for always being polite and showing kindness towards others

Primary 6/7 – Barrie Forrester and Louisa Dick for always showing kindness to all members of the school community.dsc03086

Citizens of the week for 8th-12th November 2021

Citizens of the week for 8th-12th November are as follows –

Nursery – Ariah-Grace Innes for working hard and being a kind responsible citizen

Primary 1/2 – Nicol Wright for being a confident and enthusiastic learner

Primary 2/3 – Skye Hamilton for showing resilience in her challenging work

Primary 4 – Maya Carmichael for working hard to improve her numeracy skills

Primary 5/6 – Georgie Brunton for her excellent effort with her talk for writing task. She put lots of effort into using exciting words and phrases.

Primary 6/7 – Jayden Findlay-Roberts for showing a sensible attitude to learning and trying his best


Citizens of the week for 1st-5th November 2021

Citizens of the week for 1st-5th November are as follows –

Nursery – Rowan Brunton for being a responsible citizen and kind and caring friend to others

Primary 1/2 – Cameron McCarron for working really hard especially in Numeracy

Primary 2/3 – Jack Beck for excellent effort in his challenging numeracy work

Primary 4 – Emily Bowie for always working hard and showing resilience when faced with tricky Numeracy problems

Primary 5/6 – Damien Robertson for doing a really good job with innovation during Talk4Writing

Primary 6/7 – Martin Lamberton for concentrating really well during all lessons this week and making a super effort
