Star of The Week

Every week staff highlight any child who has achieved excellence or who has worked hard in class or at home. These children are awarded a ‘Star of the Week’ certificate from Mrs Alexander. Well done to this week’s stars!

Primary 1 – Selena Turner and Amber Hamilton for excellent dictation!

Primary 2 – Lewis Crawford and Harrison Hebbes for super singing at nativity practices.

Primary 3/4 – Thomas Cassells for neat work during a poetry lesson.

Primary 6/7 – Ethan Thomson for excellent research at home about famous people who are vegetarian and vegan.

star of the week

Star of the Week!

Every week staff highlight any child who has achieved excellence or who has worked hard in class or at home. These children are awarded a ‘Star of the Week’ certificate from Mrs Alexander. Well done to this week’s stars!

Primary 1 – Ruby Thomas for excellent reading!

Primary 2 – Euan Black, Greer Wright and Lewis Crawford for adding 9 and 11 to 3 and 4 digit numbers. Excellent maths, well done!

Primary 3/4 – Ryan Baxter for super poetry!

Primary 5/6 – Julia Thomson for excellent work on times tables!

Primary 6/7 – Cara Walker, Eve Ramsay and Natasha Tse for excellent mental maths!

star of the week

Star of the Week!

Every week staff highlight any child who has achieved excellence or who has worked hard in class or at home. These children are awarded a ‘Star of the Week’ certificate from Mrs Alexander. Well done to this week’s stars!


P2 – Blair Kennedy for trying hard with his phonics and reading!

P3/4 – Jay Forster for trying hard with his reading!

P4/5 – Stacey Inglis for excellent thinking skills in inference reading tasks.

P5/6 – Louisa Dick for excellent report writing!

star of the week

Star of the Week

Every week staff highlight any child who has achieved excellence or who has worked hard in class or at home. These children are awarded a ‘Star of the Week’ certificate from Mrs Alexander. Well done to this week’s stars!

Nursery – Maeby Graham for excellent writing!

P1 – Aaron Leary for excellent reading!

P3/4 – Lucas Carswell for excellent maths!

P3/4 Kyeran Galbraith for super reading!

P4/5 – Calvin Sommerville for excellent manners, super maths work and for working hard all week in class!

P6/7 – Ellie McCutcheon for super handwriting!

star of the week


Star of the Week!

Every week staff highlight any child who has achieved excellence or who has worked hard in class or at home. These children are awarded a ‘Star of the Week’ certificate from Mrs Alexander. Well done to this week’s stars!

P1 – Daisy Graham – for excellent reading!

P2 – Hayden Shaw- for being very organised and for finishing all of his work.


star of the week