Nursery Outdoor Play

We have been having lots of fun outdoors this week. We went on an ‘Autumn Walk’ up to the magic tree. We made an imaginary camp fire in the Nursery Garden and made pancakes and hot chocolate to keep us warm!DSC01799DSC01796DSC01806DSC01805DSC01812

Nursery – Our Learning This Week

We have enjoyed being mechanics this week and opened our very own car garage. We repaired Mrs Bailie’s old ‘Coupe Cars’ and now they are as good as new! We have also used the water to learn about measuring and capacity and created a pretend camp fire in the nursery garden inspired by our wonderful Forest visits.



Nursery World Of Work Week Visit

Max’s Papa very kindly came to our Nursery to visit us and brought his acoustic guitar and his electric guitar with him.  We sang some songs together and we even had a wee shot at playing the electric guitar and listened to the music we made through the headphones. It was very exciting and lots of fun! Thank you so much to Max’s Papa.
