P6/7 Halloween Themed Day

P6/7 enjoyed a Halloween themed day on the 31st of October. They found out about the history behind some of the Halloween traditions and worked on a reading comprehension task about a witch, maths problems with a Halloween theme and even some Halloween themed yoga! In the afternoon, we got to dress up and listen to Halloween music whilst making some 3D pumpkin and skull decorations.

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P6/7 Spy/Detective Activities Thurs 27th October

P6/7 finished off their Stormbreaker book study with a selection of spy themed activities relating to maths, technology and science.

The children took part in invisible writing, finger printing, secret mirror messages, code breaking, detective inquiry skills and memory skills. They then went outside to create aerial SOS messages using the loose parts play.

Everyone had a fun afternoon!dscn4829dscn4843dscn4846dscn4836dscn4834dscn4860dscn4865

Citizen of the Week

Citizen of the week 24-28 October 2016 are as follows –

Nursery – Emily Bowie, for doing really good counting.

Primary 1 – Henry Amos, for always trying his best.

Primary 2/3 – Matthew Gardiner, for respecting himself and others.

Primary 3/4 – Finlay Foster, for trying hard.

Primary 4/5 – Bailey Tait for being respectful to himself by working hard on his maths.

Primary 5/6 – Matthew Moffat, for showing respect to others at all times.

Primary 6/7 – Amy Hamilton, for working really hard at her maths.
