P4/5 Took Place Value Outdoors

We took our maths learning outdoors this week.  In our groups we had to find natural objects to represent numbers and make 4-6 digit numbers using these objects.  The children were very creative and seemed to really enjoy learning place value in this fun way.


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P4/5 Celebrating Achievements

As a school this month we have been celebrating achievements.  P4/5 children have been very proud of their achievements both in and out of school.  Here are just some of the achievements the children have shared with us this month.

  • swimming awards
  • pony riding awards
  • dog show awards
  • reading awards
  • spelling awards
  • creating a poster
  • learning numbers to 1,000,000
  • walking across the new Forth Road Bridge
  • climbing Ben Nevis

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Each day the children continue to update their learning wall with things that they have learned that day.



Citizens of the week for 2nd October – 6th October 2017

Citizens of the week for 2nd – 6th October are as follows

Nursery – Harry Moffat for being a confident individual

Primary 1/2 – Zoe Clark for exceptional letter formation

Primary 2/3 – Kyeran Galbraith for doing his maths work independently

Prmary 3/4 – Abbie Cassells for working hard and being helpful

Primary 4/5 – Rosa Muir for excellent effort in  maths

Primary 6 – Rhiannon Stormonth for being helpful to others

Primary 7 – Eilidh Logan and Ewan Tweedie for their fantastic agony aunt writing
