P4/5 Mistakes are OK!

This term in Primary 4/5 we have been learning that mistakes are OK.  They are good if we learn from them and it usually helps us to find out where we are going wrong.  It also helps us to find out what we need support with and it also helps others too.  Our teacher often makes mistakes on the board and that also helps us learn.

Today, a group of children in Primary 4/5 performed role plays to the class, to demonstrate to us the different ways in which mistakes can help us learn.

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P4/5’s Magnificent Models of the Titanic

I think we have some keen ship builders in Primary 4/5. These are some of our magnificent models of the Titanic all ready for the children’s Solo Talks next week.  I can’t wait to hear these talks.  Already you have us hooked!

A quick reminder that our (P4/5) Titanic production will be on Friday 24th November at 920am.  Please come along and find out more about the Titanic and see our fabulous acting skills and view more of our models.

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P4/5 Titanic’s Grand Staircase

The children in p4/5 have spend a few days on copying the Grand Staircase on the Titanic.  They have been doing pencil drawings this term and continue to develop their drawing skills.

The Grand Staircase was one of the main First Class areas aboard the Titanic. It was a magnificent lavish staircase spanning six decks.  The builders of the Titanic were very proud of the staircase.

Fascinating Fact – They discovered, after the sinking of the Titanic, that the actual staircase had never been photographed and so people used pictures of the Olympic’s Grand Staircase instead (it’s sister ship).  So you are most likely looking at pictures of the Olympic’s staircase when you thought it was the Titanic’s.

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P2/3 Science – Forces.

P2/3 were experimenting with different forces. Primary 3 were looking at magnets as forces and things that attract and repel them. Primary 2 were looking at the forces of pull and push. They went around the class to find things that we can push and pull and recorded their findings by writing a list or drawing pictures.

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Lockerbie Manor Day 4

We have had another great day at Lockerbie. Both groups completed the High Ropes which involved walking on various wooden bridges between trees of a great height. We also did Initiative Exercises where we used our Problem Solving skills whilst working in teams. An example of this was Charlotte’s Web where each team had to work their way through bungees which were tied between posts. Both groups also enjoyed Fencing and learned skills such as defending, attacking and movement. At the Rifles children had great fun aiming at a given target with many children getting a bullseye! We ended our evening with another fabulous dinner of Pizza or Chicken Wings and then went on to abseiling. Children have continued to impress us, and others, with their great attitudes, encouragement and abilities.

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