P4/5 John Muir Award – Planting and Minibeast Hunt

Today we planted some wild flowers in the school grounds and watered them. We also did a minibeast hunt in the school grounds and we are going to compare this to the hunt we do in the forest.  Already we predict that we will find more in the forest as we feel it’s covered, less people are around and it’s a more wild place for minibeasts to live without people disturbing them. We were surprised about the amount of different bugs we found today in all areas of the playground.

“The place where I saw a lot of bugs was definitely at the mud kitchen and under the log seasts.” Liam

“I didn’t really like bugs but I enjoyed the minibeast hunt today because it was fun as we were looking for lots of different types of bugs.” Taylor

“I found it really enjoyable because I got to see loads of different minibeasts.” Holly

“From the beginning I’ve always loved nature so today it was great to get back to it.” Kacey

“I liked to see all the different kinds of animals and flies.” Billie

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“I enjoyed the planting because I don’t usually get the chance and I just enjoyed it.” Eve

“I liked how we got to go and look for different animals and I got to see minibeasts I don’t usually get to see in my life.” Charley

“I enjoyed the planting a lot as I don’t get to do it often because it’s raining all the time. It was fun today doing it in the rain as I never really get out in the rain.” Rosa

“It was fun mixing the seeds for the wild flowers and planting them.” Bethany

“I enjoyed planting because some people cant get time to plant at home.” Sarah