P6/7 – PE Gymnastics Goals

Primary 6/7 children set themselves targets for gymnastics today.  Some of the children set their targets and have given themselves a few weeks to achieve and others have given themselves shorter term targets.  Each week they work around the different stations developing their skills.

“I’m going to try and do a cartwheel off the horse.” Kacey

“”I’m going to try a headstand.” Colin

“I’m going to try a hand flip off the horse.” Cara

” I’m going to practise my forward rolls and would like to do a cartwheel off the horse.” Jamie-Leigh

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P1 Science – Making their own Musical Instruments

Primary 1 have been investigating sound in Science.  In their groups they all made different musical instruments using recycled objects and materials.  They then investigated the different sounds these instruments could make.  After that, the children created a piece of music with these instruments.  We also predicted and investigated who’s instruments were the loudest and quietest.

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P4/5 + P5/6 Health and Wellbeing – Food Miles

P4/5 and P5/6 had fun making smoothies! They used the packaging to find out where the fruits were from and then calculated the ‘food miles’ they had travelled. They then investigated which fruits had travelled furthest and the effects on the economy and environment. The children were also encouraged to try a new fruit or a fruit they hadn’t previously liked. Well done to those who were brave!


Labelling on the map where 4 different kinds of apples are from.

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