Easimaths Update

Unfortunately Easimaths doesn’t work on tablet devices or iPads.  It does work on laptops or computers, however if you do not have access to this, please do not worry about this.  Most teachers have listed Easimmaths as a suggested activity on their Home Learning pages but it is not essential that they do this.  There are lots of other websites which have maths games which help children to revise their learning, such as Topmarks or Oxford Owl has a maths section too.



Parental Update

Dear Parent/Carer

I hope this letter finds you and your family well.

We have been communicating with you by various electronic means over the past few weeks since the school was closed but I am aware that some people could potentially be unaware of our messages so have decided to use a more old fashioned means and send a letter to you all.  If you are already aware of the information within I apologise but didn’t want anyone to miss out.

In these unusual and exceptional times my main means of communication with you will be using the parental app and our school website.

If you do not have the app please download it by searching school app for parents on your phone or other mobile device.  You can then link to Carnwath Primary School and receive our messages.  Messages sent are also copied by Mrs Alexander and put onto our school website:  http://www.carnwath-pri.s-lanark.sch.uk/wordpress/

Teachers have put additional home learning ideas onto the website which currently has a ‘general ideas’ section and also a section for each class under the Home Learning tab.  Teachers and Support Staff have emailed their class, using your child’s Glow email address.  I would be grateful if you could encourage your child to reply.  The teachers are enjoying hearing back and having a conversation with the children.  It’s also a good way for the children to ask any questions about their learning or share what they have done.  Your child should know their Glow email address and password but they should also be in the front of their home-school planners.  There is more information about this on the website within the ‘Coronavirus’ tab.  There is also a link where you can email Mrs Alexander should you need help.

Staff who are involved with the nurture and Give Us A Break groups have also emailed the children they work with to open a conversation with them.

All staff are missing the children and are really keen to hear back from them.

Under ‘Coronavirus’ on the website there is information for parents, eg about free school meals.

There is also some valuable information on supporting your child through coronavirus.  Posts on the home page will also be useful for you.

This week I have asked parents to complete a Google form about technology and resources.  Partly this is to allow me to give some of the information to South Lanarkshire Council to allow them to plan continued support to meet children’s needs throughout this period where school is closed.  Some of the information is to allow me to support you and your family.  If you have any concerns about your child and have let me know via this form I will phone you to discuss and hopefully to offer you some support.  If you have not yet completed this form the link is within recent posts on the website.  I would appreciate you taking the time to complete it.

Over the past couple of weeks I have been phoning parents to say ‘hello’ and check that you and your children are doing well.  I am aware though that this is a slow process.  If you have any concerns that you feel you wish to discuss with me and I have not yet spoken to you please feel free to email office@carnwath-pri.s-lanark.sch.uk and I will give you a phone.  Please do not feel you need to go into detail in your email just leave a message that you would like me to phone.

As I am sure you are aware our school is being used as a hub for the children of keyworkers so although I am there sometimes I am mostly working from home – a new and somewhat strange experience!  I am in school this week should you need to phone me.

Mrs Cochrane is currently working through ordering uniform for next year.  Should you wish to order anything new you will find an order form on the website and can pay via ParentPay, as usual.  If you need a bar coded letter for PayPoint she will organise this for you.

I am aware that some of you may have concerns around transition – children starting nursery, Primary 1 or Biggar High School next year.  Please be assured that I am thinking about them all and in due course, should we not return to school before the summer holiday, I will be in touch with you to give you details of our plans.  We are also aware that P7 may not get their normal finish to school in June but we will not forget about them and they will have an ‘event’ once we can do so safely.

Throughout this time staff are there for you and your family.  Teachers are continuing to plan learning tasks for your child, are delighted to email with their class and are completing reports cards.  I am working on the more strategic planning so that we can do our best for the children while we are closed but also so that we are ready to support the children upon their return.

All of the staff are thinking of you all and hoping to see our children’s smiling faces soon.  We really miss them!

I hope you are managing to enjoy this lovely weather we are currently having.  Stay safe and well.

Yours sincerely

Pamela L. Easton

Head Teacher

Nursery Home Learning Support from SLC

South Lanarkshire Council have launched an Early Learning on line resource for families to support their children’s learning and development.  This will be helpful to support Family/Home learning while the nursery is closed but will also be useful to you once they are open again too.

They plan to tailor its contents where applicable to meet the needs of our families.  Parents can email in, asking for hints and tips on particular areas of their children’s development and learning and the Equity & Excellence team would add the appropriate learning and support information to the site.  As well as learning we plan to include links and advice from Psychological Services, Health Visitors etc. to include topics such as mindfulness, mental health, attachment etc.

The link to access the site is: https://blogs.glowscotland.org.uk/glowblogs/slccelcctest/

Coronavirus- A book for children

As we continue in lockdown I’m sure your children are continuing to ask questions about coronavirus.  I wondered if the book below would perhaps help you to discuss your children’s thoughts and feelings with them.

Axel Scheffler has illustrated a digital book for primary school age children, free for anyone to read on screen or print out, about the coronavirus and the measures taken to control it. Published by Nosy Crow, and written by staff within the company, the book has had expert input: Professor Graham Medley of the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine acted as a consultant, and the company also had advice from two head teachers and a child psychologist.

The book answers key questions in simple language appropriate for 5 to 9 year olds:
