Citizens of the week for 19th – 23rd June 2023

Citizens of the week for 19th – 23rd June are as follows –

Nursery – Iona Gold for constantly growing in confidence and joining in with different activities

Primary 1 – Sophie Moffat for always working hard and always being kind and helpful

Primary 2/3 – Jax Provan for showing resilience when learning to tell the time

Primary 3/4 – Angus Robertson for showing super organisational skills when preparing for his ‘Carnwath’s Got Talent Audition’

Primary 4/5 – Jareth Kerr for his kindness towards others and working hard on his ‘news’ report

Primary 5/6 – Flynn Murphy for being very helpful with a positive attitude towards others and his work

Primary 7 – Thomas Cassells for trying hard and improving his focus and concentration in class
